“I am alive in your heart.” ~ angel cat Kit

Angel cat Kit
[“I am alive in your heart.” ~ angel cat Kit] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Toby and his angel cat Kit on August 11, 2023.

You can both listen to and read Kit’s message below.

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As I begin the Healing Pet Loss Journey to connect with Toby’s angel cat Kit, I center in my heart. I find that Kit is already in my heart center. She is walking around in my heart space. Kit is clearly aware that the heart serves as a portal, for as she discovers some sand on the ground, she follows it and gets to the opening and out onto the beach, one of the places I often go to in my journeys.

Kit walks out onto the beach, looks around, and puts her nose in the air, sniffing. Then, instead of going out to the water, Kit turns right and walks a little along the beach to the place where a horse is in an enclosure. Kit walks easily into the enclosure and straight to the horse.

Horse lowers the head, touching Kit gently and says:

“Greetings and welcome, dear friend. It is great to see you.”

Kit rubs her face against horse, and then takes a leap up on Horse’s neck and walks down and sits on Horse’s back.

They communicate without speaking, and horse walks to the back of the enclosure, where there is an opening out to a forest path. We walk together along the forest path, while Kit is still on horse.

By the edge of the forest, as we get to a meadow, is a hawthorn tree with white flowers. Some of the flowers fall softly on us as we pass. It feels like a blessing.

Horse bends the head again, and Kit jumps down and starts walking into the meadow, exploring.

A white butterfly comes flying and sits on Kit’s nose. I smile.

Kit says, “There’s Toby.”

We continue in the direction she is looking in. We see a figure come walking towards us, and the white butterfly flies from Kit to Toby. Toby holds out a hand, and butterfly lands on his finger. Butterfly says:

“I bring greetings and blessings from Kit. When you see me, that is a loving reminder that Kit is near and that you are loved.”

“Thank you,” Toby says and goes to Kit. They greet warmly. There is a feeling of coming home.

Kit says:

“Whenever and wherever we are together is home. All thought of separation is gone when our hearts and souls meet. You used to experience that when we were together in physical reality. Now you need to get used to connecting with me through your heart and soul. That way, you experience my continued presence in your life.

Let us move into gratitude, for my heart overflows with everything I am grateful for.

Thank you for a life where I was loved. Thank you for being my companion, my best friend. I will keep all the happy memories in my heart. Let us go for a walk together.”

Together they walk in the meadow. Toby bends down occasionally to pick some wildflowers. We get to a small secret pond, where we see a frog. Frog says to Toby, “I bring healing and transformation,” and hops down into the water.

We begin to walk back the way we came. We get to the horse, and Kit jumps up on horse.

Toby sees horse as an old friend. Few words are needed. Toby touches the horse in silence but with full awareness and gentleness.

“You bring me healing. Thank you,” Toby says to horse.

“We are a good team, don’t you think?” Kit says smiling.

Toby nods, “Indeed you are. I didn’t expect to find so many friends and so much beauty here – and peace. It is a peace that bring stillness and comfort to my heart. Thank you, Kit, for sharing your life with me. It is I who am grateful, grateful to have been blessed with your presence, your love and your joy.”

“That makes two of us,” Kit says, “Going forward, keep returning to gratitude, for in gratitude we will meet. In gratitude there is an opening of the heart, and a loving awareness that blesses what you focus on.

Kit, angel cat gratitude quote - Marianne Soucy
With your family, bring some fond memories forward and share them. Laughing, crying together – wherever the emotions go. Always return to the heart where you know you can always find me.

When you need peace, just think of me, and I will be with you, holding you in my peace and love. By your side, in your heart, there is that ‘home’ feeling we both treasure.

Give yourself the time you need to grieve, to adjust to this new life with me in spirit. Remember that I am not truly gone. As you said yourself [in an e-mail to Marianne], I am alive in your heart.

Kit - Give yourself the time you need to grieve
I and my friends will stay in this meadow for now, but the white butterfly will accompany you home, whispering messages from me, uplifting you, and sharing its magic with you.

Be well, my dearest friend. I will see you again. I will love you always.”

Kit jumps over in Toby’s arms, and they stand close for a while, saying a warm farewell. As Toby puts Kit down, I see how radiant and beautiful Kit is.

We say goodbye to Toby and watch as Toby returns home with butterfly.

I say thanks to my spirit guide, horse and Kit, and end the journey.
[Client testimonial]
Thank you so much for delivering KIT’s message. It’s comforting to know she is happy in the afterlife and listening to the sacred spirit journey recording is helping me to heal. I really miss my cat, but happy to know she will always be in my heart and I can visit her anytime I want. ~Toby

Toby standing and holding Kit
Toby sent me the above photo after I had done the Healing Pet Loss Journey for him and Kit. When I did the journey, the fact that Toby was standing and holding Kit stood out to me. And now I know why. It is often in my journeys that synchronicities or confirmations occur.

❤️ Receive a personal MESSAGE from your own pet

I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal. From your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with. Learn more.

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