[I Trust You, My Friend ~Angel Cat Nacho] I did this Sacred Spirit Journey for Maurice and his angel cat Nacho on June 17, 2023.
You can both listen to and read Nacho’s message below.
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As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Nacho the angel cat, I center in my heart. I experience my heart opening, and the opening is not just of the heart but of my whole being. It feels and looks little like the opening of a flower.
I see Divine Light shining down on me from above, filling my whole being. I feel peace. I notice that with the light, small white flowers fall or float down. Little white flowers like the ones on the photo of Nacho.
I get an image of a white cat. A white cat of the purest Divine white color. Radiant and very beautiful. I am fascinated by the appearance of this white cat.
I feel I am standing on my usual beautiful beach in my spirit landscape. I see that with the white spirit cat, an opening into the Divine Light is created. The Divine feels very present.
The white cat says:
“Greetings, dear friend, and blessings to you all.
A special greeting to Maurice for opening up to the Divine and for reaching out with trust in his heart. Tell him to let go of his worries and tap into the love all his companions in the afterlife are sending him now and every day.
A love so pure that the heart cannot contain it.
A love so vast that it fills the universe.
Bless this beautiful soul.
I prepare the way for Nacho. He walked the Earth as beautifully and skillfully as he now walks in beauty in the Light.
He is a guide in both earthly and spiritual matters.
Are you ready?”
The white spirit cat moves aside, and I see Nacho approaching. He is running happily. With him comes his spirit landscape. A vast meadow with green grass, wildflowers, and dozens of butterflies of many colors.
I find myself instantly in that beautiful landscape with Nacho. His joy is contagious. It is a kind of exuberant joy that I most often experience in journeys I do for dogs. Nacho is so full of joy, energy, and love. Nacho greets me warmly and then looks around and says:
“Where’s Maurice? I know he is coming.”
“Of course I am”, I hear a voice say.
Maurice comes and stands beside me. I cannot see him clearly, but I feel the strong bond between him and Nacho. A bond that goes beyond the physical; it is a bond of the heart and soul.
“Exactly”, Nacho says, and he continues:
“That is my main message for you today. In the midst of your grief, keep returning to your heart where the bond and the connection between us exist, for in your heart you will feel me present and your worries will give way to peace. Your questions will fall away and will be replaced with a certainty that all is well.
By the way, your questions are very good, and although not needed, they deserve to be answered. So here we go.”
Nacho smiles, and says:
“Yes, you handled the last day well, for you followed your heart with my best interest in mind.
On my last day, you were with me. That’s all that mattered. All is well.
Too soon or too late… Who knows the right moment. You acted when you felt it was right. That’s good enough for me, for I trust you, my friend.
We both knew what was coming, so I could relax into your loving care and comforting presence. Thank you for your never wavering, loving dedication to me. I never felt betrayed or that you gave up on me. It was just hard for you to let go and say goodbye to me. It was time.
We did have a good life together, don’t you think? What a blessing to have a trusted friend like that. I will be forever grateful. Think of all the good times we shared, and think of the challenges we saw it through together, you and I. It’s all okay.
I am okay now. In fact, I am excellent. In the Light I am home, just as I am home by your side. It is not either or with me. I am at home in the highest Divine Light as much as I am at home having fun chasing mice in the garden.
Find the Divine in the small things, for it shines through, you know.
You are not separate from the Divine as you might think. The Divine spark is within you. Connect with it and you connect with me as well. And as you connect with me, you also connect with your other loved ones in spirit. All it takes is an open heart and mind.
We are all close, sending you love every moment of every day. We see you. We see your beautiful soul and your compassionate heart. It is your heart that I recognize, for it beats in tune with mine.
And to your question, ‘Will you see me again?’ Yes, of course you will see me again. Expand your expectation of what it means to ‘see me again’. ‘Seeing’ is not just seeing with your physical eyes. It is also seeing with your heart. It is knowing in your heart I am near, or hearing a sound that reminds you of me, for it is me. Or seeing me in the form of a sign I send and that your heart recognizes.
Beyond that, we will see. Take one day at a time, and practice feeling me near and connecting with me in the present. Take my joy, and my love, and make it yours. I willingly gave you my all, my love, my trust, for our souls are family.
Write me a letter, and open up to getting your own letter back from me. Open that channel between us. Wouldn’t that be great? Don’t doubt it, but just do it. I’m yours; my heart belongs with you. Our love lasts forever.”
Nacho stops speaking, and Maurice and Nacho sit in the meadow quietly together for a long time. Their true bond is one without words.
The initial joy and active energy has been replaced with deep peace, and a feeling that all is well.
Maurice lies down in the grass, and Nacho lies on his chest. They lie watching the blue sky with an occasional white cloud floating by.
Then a group, or kaleidoscope, of butterflies come by, reminding Nacho it is time to go.
Maurice and Nacho say a warm farewell. “See you” Nacho says to Maurice with a smile.
“Indeed” Maurice replies.
The butterflies encircle Nacho and they fly away together.
Afterwards, the white spirit cat joins Maurice and says:
“Let me walk you home.”
We say goodbye and I watch Maurice and the white cat walk home.
I ask my spirit guide: “Is there more we need to know or do?”
He says: “No, that’s all for now.”
I give thanks and end the journey.
A note: During the journey, I was surprised when I met Nacho and he displayed almost dog-like qualities. Interestingly, when I talked to Nacho’s human companion Maurice, he told me that Nacho did indeed have dog-like qualities. It is always a special blessing when there are confirmations or synchonicities.
[Client testimonial]
I see Divine Light shining down on me from above, filling my whole being. I feel peace. I notice that with the light, small white flowers fall or float down. Little white flowers like the ones on the photo of Nacho.
I get an image of a white cat. A white cat of the purest Divine white color. Radiant and very beautiful. I am fascinated by the appearance of this white cat.
I feel I am standing on my usual beautiful beach in my spirit landscape. I see that with the white spirit cat, an opening into the Divine Light is created. The Divine feels very present.
The white cat says:
“Greetings, dear friend, and blessings to you all.
A special greeting to Maurice for opening up to the Divine and for reaching out with trust in his heart. Tell him to let go of his worries and tap into the love all his companions in the afterlife are sending him now and every day.
A love so pure that the heart cannot contain it.
A love so vast that it fills the universe.
Bless this beautiful soul.
I prepare the way for Nacho. He walked the Earth as beautifully and skillfully as he now walks in beauty in the Light.
He is a guide in both earthly and spiritual matters.
Are you ready?”
The white spirit cat moves aside, and I see Nacho approaching. He is running happily. With him comes his spirit landscape. A vast meadow with green grass, wildflowers, and dozens of butterflies of many colors.
I find myself instantly in that beautiful landscape with Nacho. His joy is contagious. It is a kind of exuberant joy that I most often experience in journeys I do for dogs. Nacho is so full of joy, energy, and love. Nacho greets me warmly and then looks around and says:
“Where’s Maurice? I know he is coming.”
“Of course I am”, I hear a voice say.
Maurice comes and stands beside me. I cannot see him clearly, but I feel the strong bond between him and Nacho. A bond that goes beyond the physical; it is a bond of the heart and soul.
“Exactly”, Nacho says, and he continues:
“That is my main message for you today. In the midst of your grief, keep returning to your heart where the bond and the connection between us exist, for in your heart you will feel me present and your worries will give way to peace. Your questions will fall away and will be replaced with a certainty that all is well.
By the way, your questions are very good, and although not needed, they deserve to be answered. So here we go.”
Nacho smiles, and says:
“Yes, you handled the last day well, for you followed your heart with my best interest in mind.
On my last day, you were with me. That’s all that mattered. All is well.
Too soon or too late… Who knows the right moment. You acted when you felt it was right. That’s good enough for me, for I trust you, my friend.
We both knew what was coming, so I could relax into your loving care and comforting presence. Thank you for your never wavering, loving dedication to me. I never felt betrayed or that you gave up on me. It was just hard for you to let go and say goodbye to me. It was time.
We did have a good life together, don’t you think? What a blessing to have a trusted friend like that. I will be forever grateful. Think of all the good times we shared, and think of the challenges we saw it through together, you and I. It’s all okay.
I am okay now. In fact, I am excellent. In the Light I am home, just as I am home by your side. It is not either or with me. I am at home in the highest Divine Light as much as I am at home having fun chasing mice in the garden.
Find the Divine in the small things, for it shines through, you know.

You are not separate from the Divine as you might think. The Divine spark is within you. Connect with it and you connect with me as well. And as you connect with me, you also connect with your other loved ones in spirit. All it takes is an open heart and mind.
We are all close, sending you love every moment of every day. We see you. We see your beautiful soul and your compassionate heart. It is your heart that I recognize, for it beats in tune with mine.
And to your question, ‘Will you see me again?’ Yes, of course you will see me again. Expand your expectation of what it means to ‘see me again’. ‘Seeing’ is not just seeing with your physical eyes. It is also seeing with your heart. It is knowing in your heart I am near, or hearing a sound that reminds you of me, for it is me. Or seeing me in the form of a sign I send and that your heart recognizes.
Beyond that, we will see. Take one day at a time, and practice feeling me near and connecting with me in the present. Take my joy, and my love, and make it yours. I willingly gave you my all, my love, my trust, for our souls are family.

Write me a letter, and open up to getting your own letter back from me. Open that channel between us. Wouldn’t that be great? Don’t doubt it, but just do it. I’m yours; my heart belongs with you. Our love lasts forever.”
Nacho stops speaking, and Maurice and Nacho sit in the meadow quietly together for a long time. Their true bond is one without words.
The initial joy and active energy has been replaced with deep peace, and a feeling that all is well.
Maurice lies down in the grass, and Nacho lies on his chest. They lie watching the blue sky with an occasional white cloud floating by.
Then a group, or kaleidoscope, of butterflies come by, reminding Nacho it is time to go.
Maurice and Nacho say a warm farewell. “See you” Nacho says to Maurice with a smile.
“Indeed” Maurice replies.
The butterflies encircle Nacho and they fly away together.
Afterwards, the white spirit cat joins Maurice and says:
“Let me walk you home.”
We say goodbye and I watch Maurice and the white cat walk home.
I ask my spirit guide: “Is there more we need to know or do?”
He says: “No, that’s all for now.”
I give thanks and end the journey.
A note: During the journey, I was surprised when I met Nacho and he displayed almost dog-like qualities. Interestingly, when I talked to Nacho’s human companion Maurice, he told me that Nacho did indeed have dog-like qualities. It is always a special blessing when there are confirmations or synchonicities.
[Client testimonial]
I discovered your website soon after Notchie transitioned. In my grief I began desperately searching for any tools or insights that might bring some relief and understanding of how to process such a loss. Fortunately, I found your website and youtube videos and was greatly comforted. You are a blessing and do wonderful work. Thank you so much! ~Maurice