I will see you in the stars

I'll see you in the starsAfter the death of your pet, you might feel as if all the light has gone from your life and you’re surrounded by darkness.

But death is like the night that follows the day:

If you allow yourself to be in and experience the darkness, you’ll see – like the night sky – that the darkness is full of stars.

I received that image when I was outside in my garden one night, watching over one of my cats who was sniffing around in the bushes.

I got an image of sitting outside at night, and one of the stars came down and turned into my deceased cat, Pittiput. We were sitting together for a while, just being with each other in peace, looking at the night sky. Then he went up in the sky again, turning into a twinkling star.

Simple, but beautiful imagery.

If you feel like there’s only darkness after your beloved pet has died, try to go outside one night when it’s clear, and look at the stars. Send a blessing to your deceased pet as you watch the stars.

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