A bond created in heaven: Comfort after pet loss with angel dog Winnie

[A bond created in heaven: Comfort after pet loss with angel dog Winnie] I connected with Tamara's beloved angel dog Winnie in a Sacred Spirit Journey, which I will now share with you. I did this Journey on Friday, February 9, 2024. You can … [Read more...]

When Your Pet is Your Soul’s Companion – Meet Angel Dog Sanaya

[When Your Pet is Your Soul's Companion - Meet Angel Dog Sanaya] I connected with Nicholette's beloved angel dog Sanaya in a Sacred Spirit Journey, which I will now share with you. I did this Journey on Saturday, April 13, 2024. You can both … [Read more...]

‘When you see signs from us, trust your heart.’ ~ Angel dogs, Iggy and Winnie

["When you see signs from us, trust your heart." ~Angel dogs, Iggy and Winnie] I connected with Tamara's beloved angel dog Iggy in a Sacred Spirit Journey, which I will now share with you. I did this Journey on Saturday, March 23, 2024. You … [Read more...]

Healing from pet loss grief with Athena the angel dog

[Healing from pet loss grief with Athena the angel dog] I did this Sacred Spirit Journey (or Healing Pet Loss Journey) for Amy and angel dog Athena on Saturday, December 23, 2023. You can both read and listen to Athena's message … [Read more...]

‘Keep your wild soul alive’ – Comfort, Healing, and Empowerment from the Sacred Spirit Journey for angel dog Max

['Keep your wild soul alive' - Comfort, Healing, and Empowerment from the Sacred Spirit Journey for angel dog Max] I did this Sacred Spirit Journey (or Healing Pet Loss Journey) for Liliana and angel dog Max on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. You … [Read more...]

Dexter’s beach – a sacred meeting with an angel dog in the Light

[Dexter’s beach – a sacred meeting with an angel dog in the Light] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for angel dog Dexter on Saturday August 26, 2023. You can both listen to and read Dexter's message below. Listen to the Healing Pet … [Read more...]

Understanding Leo the angel dog’s 4 barks during his passing

[Understanding Leo the angel dog's 4 barks during his passing] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Sarita and her angel dog Leo on Sunday October 8, 2023. You can both listen to and read Leo's message below. Listen to the Healing … [Read more...]

“I am alive in your heart.” ~ angel cat Kit

["I am alive in your heart." ~ angel cat Kit] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Toby and his angel cat Kit on August 11, 2023. You can both listen to and read Kit's message below. Listen to the Healing Pet Loss … [Read more...]

When your heart is broken into a thousand pieces – compassionate heart advice from angel dog Wilbur

[When your heart is broken into a thousand pieces – heart advice from angel dog Wilbur] I did this Sacred Spirit Journey for Naomi and her angel dog Wilbur on January 8, 2023. You can both listen to and read Wilbur's message … [Read more...]

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