‘You truly saw my soul’ ~ angel cat, Kitty

['You truly saw my soul' ~ angel cat, Kitty] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Jessa and her angel cat Kitty on August 4, 2023. You can both listen to and read Kitty's message below. Listen to the Healing Pet Loss … [Read more...]

Steps to Grace – Wisdom from a cat in the afterlife

I am sharing this blog in celebration of the launch of the new book I’m a co-author of: ”365 Moments of Grace”. My chapter is called ”The Gift of Grace from an Angel Cat”, and is about my beloved cat Kia whom I lost in 2012. I connect with Kia (and … [Read more...]

Communicating with pets in the afterlife – Q & A with Marianne Soucy

In this blog we’re going to do something a little bit different: I will answer a question I received from a reader. If you have listened to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast, read some of the blogs on the website or my book Healing Pet Loss, you’ll know … [Read more...]

Kia’s message of joy – wisdom from an angel cat

Since I lost my beloved cat Kia in 2012, I have received many messages of love and light from her, comforting me during my grief, and bringing peace and comfort to many others through my book, Healing Pet Loss and my blog posts on … [Read more...]

Another way of dealing with guilt after pet loss

Communicating With Guilt As you may have read in my book "Healing Pet Loss - Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides", communicating with your pet in the afterlife can bring much peace and comfort. However, … [Read more...]

Will the grief after pet loss ever go away?

As I was standing in the kitchen doing dishes this morning, my thoughts went for a moment to my beloved angel cat Kia, who died alone in an animal hospital in July 2012,  a little more than 3 years ago as I write this. Although I generally am at … [Read more...]

Divine teachings from a beloved cat in the afterlife

Animals can be very wise. Those of us who share our lives with animals experience this often. Just think of the unconditional love and loyalty they show us, as well as their ability to be fully present in the Now, and the joy and light they … [Read more...]

Insights on Forgiveness from an angel cat

From my own experience with losing a beloved animal companion, I have found that connecting with the animal in the afterlife can bring a degree of comfort and peace that can otherwise be impossible to obtain when you are grieving deeply the loss of … [Read more...]

Your dreams are seeking you – life advice from an angel animal

In this article - which is based on a shamanic journey I recently did - you will see how our beloved animal companions in the afterlife can be of great support to us on our path through life. I prepare to connect with my spirit guides, and as always, … [Read more...]

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