[“Let Peace find You” ~ Oscar, the angel cat]
Losing a beloved animal companion is heartbreaking and the grief that follows difficult to cope with. I have loved and lost animal friends of my own, and one of the things I found most helpful in getting peace after pet loss is connecting with the animal in the afterlife.
For example, when my beloved cat Kia died all alone at the animal hospital in 2012 and I felt deep grief and much guilt, the only thing that helped me get peace of mind was to connect with Kia in the afterlife – to hear if she was okay and if she could forgive me. To do this I developed the Sacred Spirit Journey, which is a form of shamanic journey that includes my Sacred Spirit Writing technique.
I have done journeys for many clients and brought back healing messages from their beloved pets, and I am pleased to be able to share here a Sacred Spirit Journey for Donna and Gary’s angel cat Oscar.
You can both listen to and read Oscar’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Donna and Gary’s angel cat Oscar, I start by becoming fully present where I am. I take a deep breath in, and relax into peace and presence on the exhalation. Being here now. I listen to the sounds. All the sounds. Letting everything be just the way it is.
I reflect on how it can be easy to get lost in the chaotic mind, the stress, and the worries, and it is sometimes hard to find the peace within.
Oscar is beside me. He says:
“One way to connect with those in the afterlife is through the heart – the peace of the heart – but when you cannot find the peace within, you can also rise above it all.
Imagine putting down everything that is worrying you; weighing you down. Just let it all go for now.
Imagine the lightness as you straighten up your body. The feeling of freedom.
As you lift your head, you will see that all the time you have been focused inward and down while absorbed in your worries, you have been missing the magnificent wide view of the vast blue sky, the sunlight on your face.
Feel how the light fills you; how you become one with the light.
Imagine how you make some movements with your arms and that as you do, your light body moves too, as it starts floating upwards.”
As Oscar guides me like this, I feel how I am by the sea. I stand on the beach facing the water, experiencing the space around me and the horizon in the distance. I can easily see that my perspective has been limited and narrow. Now, not only my perspective, but my whole being, has expanded.
I am drawn to the light, so I let myself float upwards. Beside me is Eagle circling around. I greet him warmly. An old friend.
I see Oscar’s face before me. He is smiling kindly, lovingly, filled with deep peace, awareness, compassion. An angel, all in white, comes to us, gently inviting us to follow.
We get to a place that is very ethereal. At first, I see only white light and the angel.
The image from Radleigh Valentine’s Dove card (‘Ace of Summer’) from the Animal Tarot Cards comes to mind, and the landscape gets more tangible.

Image for educational purposes only.
I see beautiful nature around me, trees, flowers, birds, butterflies.
We are by a fountain.
I see Oscar clearly now. He is sitting on the fountain edge, looking at the water and dipping his paw into the water. I smile.
Oscar looks up and says:
“I am glad you made it to my landscape. It is on a much higher vibration than the physical reality, so a shift and an adjustment is needed. The angel music you are playing in the background as you do the journey is helpful.
Everything that has happened is, by the way, also guidance for Donna and Gary.”
As soon as he mentions their names, they both show up.
They look around, taking in the new place. They see Oscar, call his name, and go to him, embracing him, greeting him, telling him how good it is to see him.
Oscar beams with light, joy, and love as he is with his beloved family. His love for them is deep, as is theirs for him.
A white dove that has been sitting on the fountain, flies around Donna and Gary, whispering ‘peace’, blessing them.
Two white feathers fall from the Dove into the hands of Donna and Gary. Each expresses gratitude to the Dove and holds the feather close to their heart.
Donna asks Oscar: “Did I handle it wrong, my dearest one? I hope I didn’t let you down.”
Donna sits down on a little ledge there is at the foot of the fountain, while she leans her back against the fountain. Oscar comes up on her lap, and she holds him tight. With gentleness and deep peace, Oscar looks into her eyes and says:
“If you look within, you know already that you did well, and that all is well between us.
It was time.
Saying goodbye after so many years to your heart’s mate is never easy, but remember: The love that is in your heart and connects you with me, goes beyond the physical. That can never be lost.
Let peace find you, and see that I am not really gone. My love and my spirit’s light bless you in my presence, and the infinite gratitude I feel towards you both for loving me, letting me be your family, and for caring for me to the very end and beyond, are yours forever.
I treasure the life I had with you. It is a gift I will carry with me always.
Thank you, my dearest friends, my family, for everything.
Love speaks more eloquently than words, and the deep love I feel for you and embrace you with, says more than anything else could.
Deep within your heart is a piece of my light. May it shine brightly there, guiding you towards the light in dark times, and spreading joy and smiles in good times.
We stood by each other throughout all life’s ups and downs, for love overcomes all.
As you walk home now, walk in peace. My love, my peace, my light – it’s all with you, as is my eternal gratitude.
Move forth in faith, and let joy return again. When you need me, just call me, and I’ll be by your side.
Always yours, Oscar”
They all say a warm goodbye, and when it is time to leave, the angel comes and guides them home. Before Donna and Gary disappear, they turn and wave to Oscar. He is so beautiful.
I give thanks for this sacred meeting, say goodbye, and end the journey.
Two notes from Marianne:
A reminder that everything that happens in the journey, including my preparations, is relevant. You can use the same methods I use with your own angel animal.
In the journey, angel music is mentioned. During the first part of the journey, I play Erik Berglund’s ‘Healing Light’ music (on YouTube). It is a short piece (about 5-minutes) that I may set to repeat some times. It switched automatically to Aeoliah’s ‘Angel Love’. They were both very fitting for the journey.
“Thank you for the beautiful message from Oscar, you are so special.” Bless you, Donna
❤️ Receive your own pet’s personal healing message