Letters to and from the angel cat Little Tut

When you have lost a beloved pet and feel devastated by grief, there is one simple technique that you can do that allows you to express your feelings and at the same time receive a message from your animal friend. You don’t need to know anything about animal communication and you can do it even when you are emotionally distraught.

I call it: “The Healing Pet Loss 2-Letter Writing Technique”.

While the Sacred Spirit Journeys I do go deeper and require more training, the 2-Letter Writing Technique is simple and can basically be done by anyone who is willing to follow just a few concise guidelines.

In the following, I will give you an example, as I used the technique to connect with my beloved angel cat Little Tut, who died unexpectedly after he was tragically hit by a car two months ago as I write this.

Below are the two letters from 17 March 2020

You can both listen to and read my and Little Tut’s letters below.

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First, my letter to Little Tut:
Dear Little Tut,

As I sit here in the stillness on a late afternoon, I think of you and send you all my love and gratitude.

You are so loved, but I think you know that well. I still can’t really believe you’re gone. So tragic, so sudden, so soon.

It is hard not to go into the ‘it’s not fair’ mode, but who knows – I cannot see the full picture.

I take a deep breath and return to the present where the fond memories of you are mixed with the deep sadness of your passing.

The emptiness is particularly tough to deal with, because I get reminded of your absence every time I go out in the garden. It is like the garden has lost its soul without you.

I write this letter to reach out and tell you how much you are loved and how deep my gratitude for you is. I say that to you often; every time I go out where you used to roam.

How are you doing? Are you okay? Do you miss us? Will you come back? Do you see any of the other ones? Is there anything I can do for you?

I wish you were here, Little Tut.

I would love to hear from you, if you feel inspired to write to me.

With infinite blessings and light,


And now Little Tut’s letter to me:
Dear Marianne,

From the brightest star in the sky, I shine down on you when the night is clear, lighting the way for you and bringing you hope.

On days my star is not visible, you can find me in the stillness of your heart. That sacred beautiful place where our souls can meet and rejoice.

I am light; light is me. When it is full, I will be ready to visit you.

Have patience, dear friend, although sore, wounded hearts find patience hard.

Walk the garden, sharing your blessings to all life there, just as I walked my blessing rounds. I will be with you when you do.

In this time of your life and in the world, it’s time to dispel the darkness and welcome the light.

As your focus words were some days ago:

‘The light is returning’.

Have faith that all is well, and that all will be well.

Let this be all for now, and focus on your blessing rounds and on embracing the light even more fully, and share the light where you can. It will be most welcome in many dark places.

As I now end this letter, I remind you of the light I left in your heart. Rekindle that light, honor it, and share my blessings with the world through that light.

You are loved forever, and always in my heart.

Little Tut.

If you want to use the 2-Letter technique, you will find it described in detail, including several examples, in my book:

“The Healing Pet Loss 2-Letter Writing Technique: Workbook with Instructions & Examples of Letters to and from Pets in the Afterlife”

You can learn more about the book here:

https://healingpetloss.com/the-healing-pet-loss-2-letter-writing-technique/ .

This book is available in paperback format on Amazon.

Copyright © 2011-2025 Marianne Soucy & Healing Pet Loss. All rights reserved.
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