Georgia the white boxer – a meeting with a dog in the afterlife

After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their … [Read more...]

Will the grief after pet loss ever go away?

As I was standing in the kitchen doing dishes this morning, my thoughts went for a moment to my beloved angel cat Kia, who died alone in an animal hospital in July 2012,  a little more than 3 years ago as I write this. Although I generally am at … [Read more...]

Creating a bridge to a pet in the afterlife

You can both read and listen to 'Creating a bridge to a pet in the afterlife' below. Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast: Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro During the … [Read more...]

Widening The Circle Of Compassion – A Meeting With Deer

One of my favorite ways of paying tribute to an animal companion is by learning from them. Our animal companions can give us a kind of unconditional love that we rarely find anywhere else, and I cannot think of a better way to honor our angel animal … [Read more...]

Healing after pet loss: Identifying your pet’s core message for you

When you have lost your beloved animal companion, one of the best ways to honor your pet and move from guilt to forgiveness, peace, and love, is to learn from your pet. This article is a continuation of "Into The Wave - On dealing with guilt after … [Read more...]

Your dreams are seeking you – life advice from an angel animal

In this article - which is based on a shamanic journey I recently did - you will see how our beloved animal companions in the afterlife can be of great support to us on our path through life. I prepare to connect with my spirit guides, and as always, … [Read more...]

The first New Year after pet loss

  If you are struggling with grief after pet loss as New Year is approaching, this article will provide you with some insights and suggestions for entering the new year with more peace of mind and while honoring your beloved pet as well as … [Read more...]

Life After Pet Loss: A simple mindset shift that helps you heal

When you have been grieving the loss of your pet for a while, you might get to the point where you feel the need to move on but can’t seem to do it. You still feel overwhelmed by the guilt and stuck in the pain of the loss. So how do you move on … [Read more...]

Starting a new year and a new life after pet loss

As we enter a new year, you might also be entering a new life after the death of your beloved pet. The emptiness after the loss At first, the idea of a life without your pet seems impossible, as you are overwhelmed by the grief after the loss. And … [Read more...]

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