Finding your path after pet loss

After pet loss, when you are grieving the death of your beloved animal companion, you might feel an emptiness, helplessness and lack of meaning in your life. And you wonder how to move on - or even what to do with your life. Before, your pet was so … [Read more...]

What if it was you?

How do you make the shift from grief to love and inner peace after the death of your beloved pet? If you have not already read my previous article, "It's not about the grief, it's about the love", go read it first, and then come back here to continue … [Read more...]

Removing obstacles with shamanic journeying

Sometimes the obstacles, worries, and challenges we encounter seem insurmountable to us, and we have a hard time dealing with them, let alone seeing a solution to them. One thing we often don’t realize, however, is that the only thing that is … [Read more...]

One thing I have learned

Losing an animal companion that you love doesn't just leave you with a broken heart and a huge hole inside, it can also teach you painful and valuable lessons. The one lesson I'm thinking about right now is to be fully in the present moment with … [Read more...]

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