Little Tut and the tiger – an example of synchronicity after healing

Meaningful coincidences – or synchronicities – often happen in connection with healing.  (See “Synchronicities – signs from beyond” for an example with a grieving cat). In this post I will give you a recent example that happened in connection with a shamanic journey I did for my cat Little Tut.

Little Tut in trouble

Little Tut is an indoor-outdoor cat, and he spends much of his time outdoors. Keeping him inside all the time is not an option; he would go crazy. He is a very happy and playful cat, but he is very territorial, so when a strange cat comes around, he often gets into a fight. Usually he is not in such a bad shape after a fight, but one night he had obviously been in a worse fight than usual. He looked tattered and was behaving differently. He was not himself at all; he hesitated going out, and when he did, he stayed very close to the house.

Arrival of the tiger

I decided to help him, so I asked for help in a shamanic journey. In that journey a spirit helper (also called power animal) came to offer his help – that was a big tiger, offering his strength and protection. I saw the tiger licking Little Tut as a tiger would a tiger cub, and as Little Tut was being licked, he began getting tiger stripes. I also got an image of tiger patrolling our garden. Little Tut seemed happy about his new helper.

Confirmation from the universe in the form of post cards

After I finished the journey, I went on to do some other things in the house, and while I was looking for some papers in a bookcase, I suddenly found not 1, not 2, but 3 tiger post cards in a pile of papers. What are the odds? That definitely qualifies as a ‘meaningful coincidence’. Sometimes the universe sends confirmations like this; and I’ve found that it happens quite often in connection with shamanic journeying. 

As for Little Tut, the next day he was much better and back to his healthy, happy, and playful self.

Will he get into fights again? Very likely, but at least I know there is something I can do to help him if he does.

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