Love is freedom – A message from a missing pet

A message from a missing pet

One of things that those of us who have animal in our care fear most is when our animal friend goes missing. It is a very challenging situation to be in, and it can be exceedingly difficult to get peace of mind, because we keep wondering whether our animal friend is alive or dead, or whether they may be lying some place in fear and pain.

One of my cats, Freedom, has a habit of wandering, and I am very grateful that so far he is still with us and in good shape as I write this. However, there was once when he was missing longer than usual and my husband and I got really worried about him. He is not a young cat, and for a period he had been losing weight for no apparent reason. He is a very sensitive cat and he could not survive emotionally being kept indoors, so keeping him indoors was never an option. As I am sure you can understand, we are constantly trying to get to terms with the risk and uncertainty that we may never see him again, every time he goes on one of his walkabouts.

The time Freedom was missing longer than usual, I did a shamanic journey to connect with him, and in the following I will share an excerpt of that journey which l hope will bring you comfort and inspiration, whether you have a pet that is alive, missing or that has already passed on.

As I begin the journey, I follow my intuition that tells me to go into my heart center. Into the special place I have for Freedom in my heart.
I hear a quiet voice next to me. It’s Freedom standing close to me on my right side. He looks fragile.

“My body might be and look fragile”, he says, “but I have seen the light and I am not afraid of the light, for when I pass, it is into the light I will go. I appreciate you keeping a place for me in your home and in your heart. Part of me will always belong and be there – even if I must continue on my soul’s journey soon. We’re connected by a bond that is stronger than death – the bond of love – for to those who love, death doesn’t exist. Love crosses all barriers, and once you realize that, nothing can separate us. I came into this world to seek and learn freedom, and I found love. True love is freedom – this is a big lesson I have learned. Let that be my message and gift to you:

Love is freedom.

I will cherish you always in my heart and seek comfort in yours.”

Then he jumps up on his chair. I bend down and touch my forehead to his; we remain like that for a while. Love, closeness. Then I kiss him on his head and look at him. He’s skinny but beaming with love and light. I feed him some and he settles to rest on the chair. I notice his power animal, wolf, resting some meters away from us.

I ask my spirit helper if Freedom is alive and if he will come home.

My spirit helper says: “Freedom is alive in your heart, and your love has never been stronger, and the light of his spirit is as bright as a shining star.”

M: “Since you are speaking like that, should I presume that he might be dead?”

Spirit helper: “Never presume anything. Simply hold him in your heart in the light and have faith. You will learn soon enough what you need to learn. Trust that all is well.”

I thank my spirit helper and end the journey.

PS: Soon after Freedom returned home alive and well.

Freedom is a very gentle, loving cat and he is teaching us to live in gratitude and appreciation, not taking anything for granted but recognizing the gifts and blessings available to us each and every day when we open up to them.

You can purchase “Healing Pet Loss: Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides” by Marianne Soucy on Amazon in paperback format: Amazon US | Amazon UK

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