Losing a beloved animal companion is heartbreaking and the grief that follows difficult to cope with. I have loved and lost animal friends of my own, and one of the things I found most helpful in getting peace after pet loss is connecting with the animal in the afterlife.
For example, when my beloved cat Kia died all alone at the animal hospital in 2012 and I felt deep grief and much guilt, the only thing that helped me get peace of mind was to connect with Kia in the afterlife – to hear if she was okay and if she could forgive me. To do this I developed the Sacred Spirit Journey, which is a form of shamanic journey that includes my Sacred Spirit Writing technique.
I have done journeys for many clients and brought back healing messages from their beloved pets, and I am pleased to be able to share here a Sacred Spirit Journey for Kerry’s angel dog Moses.
You can both listen to and read Moses’ message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Kerry’s angel dog Moses, I become fully present here where I am. Filling out my body with my awareness, with gratitude, with light—or rather: opening up and letting the light in. I simply focus on opening up, and it is as if I am out in the sun with nature all around me, letting the sunlight fill my whole being. Feeling light, feeling joy, and feeling more open.
I look around, and let my eyes rest on the landscape near and far. Open grassy areas and meadows, but also forested areas. ‘Seeing far’ seems to be important.
A card from the Art Nouveau Lenormand cards pops into my mind. One of my favorites: The Tree. It depicts a magnificent old oak tree in an open landscape. The kind of place you would just love to be.

Image for educational purposes only.
It is like we are now by that tree. It feels like an honor to be near such an old, wise, and beautiful living being.
“I know” says Moses, who has shown up and is standing beside me, smiling warmly.
Moses continues:
“I feel that way too. To me, the meaning of the tree goes beyond enjoying the landscape and the tree’s physical presence. The old oak tree is a symbol of the steadiness, strength, and the long-lasting love connection that exists between me and my family.
It represents the steady, unwavering love and loyalty I have for my family.
We are all connected by the heart, and our souls will meet again. In fact, we can meet now. Just imagine being by that oak tree and get a break from the busyness of daily life. Let the tree and the landscape open you up to peace.
Imagine sitting by the tree, supported as you lean against it, while looking out over the landscape.
See far, see wide, and thus get a higher view of your life.
As you sit here, you are reminded of the beauty of your soul, of life, of your soul’s potential, and of the Divine love that weaves it all together, the Divine love and light that flows through everything, ever moving, changing, but at its core or essence, always remaining true to its Divine origin.
You are part of this too. Your soul is Divine, beautiful, and connected to mine.”
Moses stops speaking, and I notice that his family is here. They are sitting around him, listening to his wisdom and enjoying his presence. He is the natural center, and like the old oak tree, his presence brings comfort, peace, and a feeling of coming home. There is much peace in his gentle presence.
I am reminded of a card I pulled earlier in the day.
In the morning, I pulled a card that I felt might be relevant and helpful for this journey. It is ‘The Heart’ card (number 24) from the Art Nouveau Lenormand cards. Some key words are: Love, forgiving, caring, gentle.
In the card is a heart made of green branches, Moses is also centered in his heart, seeing the world through the lens of unconditional love, never judging, but being fully present with an open heart. Gentle, strong, and with a loving presence.

Image for educational purposes only.
Moses goes around and takes turns greeting everyone warmly. They hug him and tell him how loved and appreciated he is.
Moses smiles and says:
“I know the depth of your love for me, and I am honored. I am so thankful for being part of this family. I love you all so much. Always have, always will. I am doing fine now, as you can see, and I am no longer in pain.
And to Kerry’s question if I believe they did everything they could to give me their best, I certainly know that they did.
In my presence, you showed me the best of human kind.
We had such good times. Remember them with joy. If tears come too, let them, for they are simply love overflowing.
Share your own special memories of our time together with each other and with me.
If you feel inspired, find you own creative ways to capture that memory in celebration of us and of our life together.
I am fully at peace in the Light in this beautiful landscape.
I visit you often, offering my blessings, my companionship on an energetic level, and I seek to shine my light for you to help guide and inspire you as you move forward.
You can call on me anytime, and I will be by your side.
Loyal in life, and loyal in spirit. That’s just who I am.
My heart belongs with you.
Walk home in peace now, and keep the images of this place in your heart.
Use it to connect with me — or find your own way to connect.
As I say goodbye for now, I send you off with my deepest gratitude and my blessings.
My love lives within you. Find me in your heart.
Love always.”

Moses and his family say a warm goodbye, and we wave to them as they leave.
I thank Moses for his wisdom, his peace, and his love.
I say: “I feel honored to have met you, Moses. You truly are a beautiful soul. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Moses smiles to me and says a gentle goodbye.
My spirit guide and I leave for home and I end the journey.
Notes: During the preparations for the journey, I played nature sounds (Johnnie Lawson on YouTube).
A deer also showed up as I was preparing for the journey. It may be helpful to look up the qualities of deer, or listen within for what deer means to you.
❤️ Receive a personal healing message from your pet