Healing Pet Loss with Mindfulness – Angel Dog Maisie

[Healing Pet Loss with Mindfulness – Angel Dog Maisie] I connected with Ellen's beloved angel dog Maisie in a Sacred Spirit Journey, which I will now share with you. I did this Journey on Saturday, August 31, 2024. You can both read and listen … [Read more...]

Special California Fires Podcast Episode: Spiritual Support And A Way Forward

This is a very special Podcast episode where I share spiritual support for animals, humans and the Earth in connection with the devastating fires taking place in California, USA. I felt moved to take action for those affected by these events in … [Read more...]

Healing Pet Loss: Reclaiming your happy memories

When you are grieving the loss of a beloved pet, at first your focus will be on what you’ve lost. You'll be overwhelmed by the pain of the loss, the grief and the guilt. Even all the positive memories you have of your pet might drown in feelings of … [Read more...]

One of the main benefits of meditation after pet loss

Are you having trouble sleeping after the death of a pet? If so, you are not alone. The overwhelming feelings of grief after the loss of your pet can be difficult to handle. Many of us are so busy during the day, that while we experience waves of … [Read more...]

Dealing with guilt after pet loss

After the death of a pet, one of the most common - and also most painful - feelings is guilt. When a beloved pet dies, it is so easy to get overwhelmed by guilt and regrets. There are so many things we wish we had done differently, and We feel … [Read more...]

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