After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones. In the following I will share below the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Milo the angel dog.
You can both listen to and read Milo’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Milo, I feel drawn to my heart. From my heart space, I send out my intention to meet Milo, and I see a beam of light going out from my heart. My spirit guide and I follow the light, and after a while we get to the place by the creek from Milo’s last day.
Milo is there and he says, directed to his family:
“Thank you for the last day; for the joy we had, for the love, for the life we shared, and for being my family and my friends.
My heart overflows with gratitude, and I hold you all in my love as you grieve my passing.
It was sudden, I know, but not a bad way to go, don’t you think? Together with loved ones in a magical spot, having fun. I would not have had it any other way.
Please do not feel guilty, and do not blame yourself, for I did exactly what I wanted to do. I lived my life to the fullest, and I have no regrets.
I see the love that lives within each one of you, and I see the grief as well. Let the two go hand in hand. Honor your time of grief, but remember to let the joy, love, and fondness of our time together have a place in your life as well.”
Milo stops speaking and looks around. It is a beautiful place.
“Let us go visit them”, he says.
As soon as Milo says that, we find ourselves at Adia’s place.
The first thing we see as we enter is Miles [human baby] sleeping. Milo walks quietly over to Miles and looks at him with love. Miles then opens his eyes, and as he sees Milo, his face lights up in a big smile, and he reaches out towards Milo with his hand. Milo moves closer to Miles.
Milo says:
“I am so grateful for having met you, Miles. You’ll always have a special place in my heart.
As you walk through life, do so with the love and joy I taught you all.
Live your life to the fullest, and spread joy wherever you go. You will be a light in the world. Bless you, my friend.”
Milo watches as Miles goes back to sleep.
Milo goes to a couch or big chair, jumps up and lies down. Adia comes into the room and is very happy to see Milo. Adia says:
“Milo, I knew you were close. I love you so much, and my heart hurts so much since you’re gone. Are you okay?”
Milo leans against Adia, and as she holds him.
Milo says:
“I am doing great, as you can see. Thank you for your love, your care, and companionship.
The bond we all share as a family is a true and soul bond; the kind of bond that is not limited to the physical body.
I will be by your side in spirit as you move forward. I will hold the light for you, I will share my joy with you, and I will hold you in my love.
All will be well.
Tell Matt [Adia’s partner] that I love him and to not feel guilt or regret. May the many fond memories he has of me, warm and calm his heart.
Seek comfort in the company of your loved ones.
Reggie [living dog and Milo’s best dog friend] has a direct connection with me, and he is eager to help. Tell him too that I love him and that I am near. I will be there to meet him when it is his time.
There is nothing to fear.
One way to honor and memorialize me is to make a trip to either the place we spent my last day or another special place you know I would like. It could also be a place we used to spend time together. Invite me to join you there, and share your feelings, memories and stories with each other and with me. I would love that.
Trust that I am near, I am okay, and that I love you.
Thank you for everything. I will leave for now, but we will meet again.
Yours always.”
Adia and Milo say a warm goodbye, and Milo leaves. He goes outside, and as the sun shines on him, his light merges with the sunlight. In his place is a white butterfly that flies around for a while and then settles on a flower nearby.
“Thank you, Milo”, Adia says.
I ask my spirit guide if there is anything else me need to do here, and he says:
“No, that’s it for now. They will be well.”
I give thanks, say goodbye and end the journey.
Note: Milo lived his life to the fullest until the very last moment, as you can see in the photo which was taken shortly before his sudden, unexpected passing. Below is the e-mail I received from Adia after she had received Milo’s message.
On 2021-07-06, Adia wrote:
Thank you for the Sacred Spirit Journey. It was absolutely beautiful.
I just got back from a walk with Miles and Reggie listening to your message. We walked to the park that I used to walk Milo to and i saw so many white butterflies on the walk. I cried but also felt a release of some of the sadness I am carrying for Milo. Thank you for giving me some action steps, too.
With gratitude,

Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.