After many months of declining health, her last day had come. She had been so strong and brave for such a long time, and she had truly been shining her light, her love and her gratitude all the way.
Minnie was our beloved cat who came walking into our lives starving and homeless 5 years ago. She found a home with us right away and never stopped showing us her love and gratitude.
During her last months, besides taking care of her physical needs, I also used my Sacred Spirit Journeys – a form of shamanic journeying – to connect with her spirit. During those journeys it quickly became clear that Minnie had very specific wishes for how she wanted her last period in her physical body and her passing to be. Several times she instructed us to ‘let the light be unbroken’. She wanted to be at home with us and pass in her own time and her own way.
Minnie talked about what a peaceful passing meant to her (in a journey a couple of weeks before her actual passing).
You can both listen to and read Minnie’s message below.
“Getting a peaceful passing as a pet is not just about getting a pain-free one; no, it is especially to be in an environment you feel at home, with those you love and getting the space and support you need.
A peaceful passing is also honoring the soul’s path of each one. Mine is to shine my light and my gratitude all the way to the end and beyond.
Do I not still respond to you and send you love? I keep sending you all my love as you do to me. Let not that bond be broken. Trust that all is well and all will be well.
Let go of your fear and be there for me as you have been always.
As long as I am able to consciously shine my light and share my love, I want to keep doing that. That is my choice.
I am, as you know, a carrier of the light. That is who I am. I choose to carry and share that light in life, during the transition and after my passing, when I am in my spirit form.
Let the light be unbroken.
I need and want you with me – I want you and your spirit friends to support me. I want you to sing to me. I want you to find the strength and faith in your heart to truly know that you are doing the right thing.
As I have said before: See beyond the frailty of my physical body – see the shining light that I am. Hold the vision with and for me of my light – keep doing that.
That is how you can best help me now.”
Minnie shared with us so many wise messages and valuable guidance, especially during the last months she was with us, as I connected with her more often. I share now a message I received from her on the morning of the day she passed:
“You have done well and I am grateful for your support, care and help in this long process – or you could say: on this journey into the light.
It has been as important to you as it has been to me. Use the lessons you have learned from all this – in your life and in your work. That is one way of sharing my light.
Right now I just need you to keep holding my light, keeping my sacred space, and seeing me safely through my journey into the light. I have faith in you as you have faith in me.
You trusted and honored my wishes, and I am grateful you have learned to see beyond the surface – that you saw not only my frail body, but recognized my shining light. You have honored my wish of letting my light be unbroken. It is with deep gratitude that I take this step on my journey.
Fill your life with gratitude, appreciation and love, and light will fill your soul and your days.
Let me rest now that I am preparing for the transition.
Keep my gratitude in your heart and know that my light is with you always.
Blessings to you all.”
Like the sunrise, the sunset on this special day was beautiful and magical. In the early evening on that last day, as I was sitting with Minnie, an owl was hooting outside. Flying around the house, calling out. A rare occurrence and a gift. To me a sign of support from the universe – a sign that Minnie would be guided safely through the darkness. A calling to embrace the Mystery.
Minnie made her transition into the light peacefully during that night.
Her wish was to shine her light in life, during her transition, and after her passing. She wanted her light unbroken. We managed to support her and accommodate her with that wish. Although we are in deep grief for her loss, we are also at peace knowing that she transitioned peacefully the way she wanted it, at home with her loved ones, holding and being held in the light, in love and gratitude all the way.
I will end with a message from Minnie that she shared with us about a month before her passing:
“Keep practicing seeing me as the light I am. See the essence of me. Hold that vision for me and for you. That will bring you peace.
In gratitude I came to you, in gratitude I have lived with you, and in deep gratitude I pass to where I came from.
Meet me in your heart each time you practice gratitude and know that I am near.
Always will I love you and bless you.
Take good care of yourself and the others. Peace.”
Minnie, may you rest in peace, my beautiful soul, my shining light.
Note: While honoring a beloved pet’s wish and provide them with a peaceful passing is something we all would like to do, it is not always possible, as life often has plans of its own. Supporting a dying pet as they go through a natural passing is very challenging, and a decision that is not to be made lightly. Also, even though the pet’s wish is a natural passing, we always need to combine it with a practical approach and use our common sense, and when needed, the support or advice of a vet. There is no single solution and each case must be decided upon individually.
Helpful resources
“Healing Pet Loss – Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides”Sharon Callahan has a helpful article on her website:
“When your animal friend is dying”
Marianne, what a beautiful gift you gave Minnie in allowing her to pass naturally. What a gift you gave each other over the 5 years you spent together. Sending you love & comfort.
I always weep whenever I read your stories/articles. I gain deeper insight into my own pets’ spiritual lives and it touches me profoundly. Weeping purges me and cleanses my soul. The preciousness of having my life touched by such a pure spirit in an animal is one of the great mysteries of life. Thank you for your insight and blessings.