On messages from pets in the afterlife: What to expect

Healing Pet Loss Marianne Soucy What are your expectations when receiving a message from your pet? Can you keep an open mind and an open heart?

“As you read these stories you will see that whenever I was properly humble and willing to let something besides a human be my instructor, these various four-legged, six-legged and no-legged fellows shared priceless wisdom with me. They taught me that perfect understanding and perfect co-operation between the human and all other forms of life is unfailing whenever the human really does his required part.”
~J. Allen Boone [referring to his own writings]

This article was inspired by a comment in a review on Amazon, where the reviewer says about the messages from the pets in afterlife, “The writing is not what you would expect a pet to say.” I decided to do a Sacred Spirit Journey and connect with my spirit guide and with the pets in the afterlife who would be willing to give me their insights. The following is what happened: As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey, I find myself instantly in a meadow with many of pets around me.

A dog comes forward and says to me in a firm voice:

“We are often underestimated, abused, misunderstood – regarded as ‘just dogs’, ‘just cats’, or whatever. Seldom are we acknowledged for the wisdom we carry beyond the obvious unconditional love, loyalty, and being present. Those teachings are just the tip of the iceberg; the depth of our wisdom is being revealed little by little through the messages we share through you.

If you fully embrace our teachings, you will see more clearly what we are all about, but you won’t see anything if you don’t open your mind or heart first.

Allow yourself to think beyond what you are used to think; allow yourself to let go of your expectations and preconceived ideas, and open up to the wisdom of the natural world around you – which we are an expression of and a part of.

At a time when many people lose touch with the natural world – and with themselves – our teachings are so important for a continued flourishing Earth.”

My angel cat Pittiput is here too. He’s calm and he says:

“I am not worried. I live in faith and advise you to do the same.
Find the joy of the present moment. Do you fear what you find when you look within? Don’t worry; it’s when you have the courage to look inside your heart, you will find us and all the wisdom of the heart that we share.”

My angel cat Kia is sitting, full of grace. She says:

“Forgiveness is the key. Allow people to be where they are, and provide the space for them to open their heart in their own time. We’ll be here with our love and wisdom when they are ready.”

Sophie, an angel dog I journeyed for recently on behalf of a client, is there too. She steps forward. She has a softness and gentleness to her, and she gets a strength to her as she speaks:

“As I mentioned in the journey to my family, my mission or task is to teach humans to live from, and communicate with and from the heart. The communication the person with the comment expected, was the ‘surface communication’ they are used to from their daily life with their animals. We do that too, but in the messages we send through you, we have a chance to take a higher perspective, and share a deeper knowledge in an effort to assist the transformation and healing of the human condition.

With humans, too much of their life and communication takes place in and from the mind. It’s time now to move back to the heart, for it is only by embracing compassion that there is a future for humans and for the world.

To those who say that what we say is not what they expect us to say as ‘pets’, I say: If you look at the content of what we say – if you look at our messages: Aren’t those messages just a deepening of what we teach when we are alive and living with you in our physical bodies? Don’t you love us so much because of our unconditional love?

These messages that you say are not what you expected: They are spoken in the language of the heart. You are not to listen with your mind, but you are to listen and experience them with your heart. Allow yourself to let go of any preconceived ideas you have, and instead open your mind and your heart.

When you listen with an open heart – when you bring our message into your heart: Doesn’t it feel right? Does cultivating , being and sharing love make sense to you? Look into the eyes of an animal companion and see the love and openness there. Do you dare open your heart and let their love in? Do you dare open your heart to the joy and the pain that follow?

As I said in the message to my humans: A soft, open heart is also a strong heart, for it is the strength and power of love that will create or make possible a future for us all.

Much love.”

I thank Sophie and the others that have spoken and promise to share their messages. Blessings, Marianne Soucy

Whether your pet is living or has passed on, you can receive your pet’s personal message.

PS. An inspiring quote from J. Allen Boone’s beautiful little book, Kinship with All Life:

“All living things are individual instruments through which the Mind of the Universe thinks, speaks and acts. We are all interrelated in a common accord, a common purpose, and a common good. We are members of a vast cosmic orchestra, in which each living instrument is essential to the complementary and harmonious playing of the whole.”~ J. Allen Boone

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