Peace After Pet Loss – A meeting in a meadow and a blessing from beyond

Peace After Pet Loss - Marianne Soucy

When you lose a beloved animal companion, you are likely to experience a huge emptiness in your life along with a strong yearning to connect with your pet once more. Perhaps you never had a chance to say goodbye, or you feel an overwhelming guilt and are seeking your pet’s forgiveness, or you just want to know if your precious animal friend is okay in the afterlife.

In a recent spirit journey, I connected with one of my spirit helpers and he gave me some tips for connecting with a pet in the afterlife. Often it is our own mind that blocks us from making the connection with our pet after they have passed. Read the journey below for inspiration. It is almost like a little meditation, so read it with your whole being and let it return you to a place of peace, magic and love.

First, become present fully here where you are, filling out your body with your awareness. Feelings come and go; they are but waves on a vast sea that is calm underneath. The waves are passing. Just like the sea is not the waves, you are not your feelings. Or you could say: You are that but also so much more. You are the field of unlimited possibilities.

On connecting with a pet after they have passed

As I begin the journey, I suddenly find myself in a meadow. My spirit helper is there. He says: “If you can be, feel or choose anything, why not choose to be in a beautiful, magical place like this meadow?” Next to the meadow is a field of oats with their little bells ringing beautifully. My spirit helper smiles:

“If you choose to see magic, you will. And after your animal companion has passed, it is a choice, an openness and faith that will allow you to connect with your pet. Notice if you have a little doubting voice in your head saying: ‘I can’t’ or ‘It’s not possible’ or perhaps even ‘I don’t deserve it’. Let go of the doubting voice in your head and go into your heart. Feel that vast space where you keep the love you shared with your pet. You may feel as if your heart is broken now, but if you look closer, see that behind the pain is the love – as strong as it has ever been. Move into that love and connect with your pet – hold your pet’s image and name there as well as the memory of the feeling of their familiar body. Then listen as they connect with you in love:

I am still here, in the peace of your heart, watching you and blessing you from beyond. Just as our love never dies, so does our connection not end because I’m not with you in my physical form. I send you blessings and greetings through every little bird that sings its song, through every ray of sunshine that kisses your cheek, and the gentle breeze that catches your hair on a beautiful day in spring.

Deer - Healing Pet Loss - Marianne SoucyWe stop and look out over the beautiful, peaceful landscape. There’s a forest nearby and we see a deer cautiously stepping out from between some trees, stopping and looking at us.

We smile and cherish this sacred moment. The gentleness of the deer touches our hearts. After a little while the deer disappears into the forest.

I thank my spirit helper for this magical meeting and advice.

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