[Pet Loss Healing with Flowers and Butterflies – angel dog Tuco] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Rachael and her angel dog Tuco on Saturday, May 20, 2023.
You can both read and listen to Tuco’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
As I get ready to begin the Sacred Spirit Journey for Rachel’s angel dog Tuco, I am inspired to go out in my garden. I sit in the morning sun and prepare myself. I go through some simple practices for becoming present. I take a deep breath in, and relax into peace and presence on the exhalation. I release everything I do not need right now, and feel how I become filled with light. I listen to the birds singing, and look at the beautiful flowers around me.
“Did someone say flowers?,” I hear a voice say.
It is Tuco. He approaches and stands next to me as he looks at me with a friendly face.
I smile and say, “Hello, Tuco. Rachel said that you love flowers, so I thought I would do the journey to meet you here in the garden.”
Tuco says, “Thank you for thinking about me. I appreciate your consideration. And yes, I love flowers.
I like the little blue ones, the ones that look like forget-me-nots. Can we get some for Rachel? I want to take some to her to show her my ‘forever love’. She and I are soul mates, and we will certainly meet again when the time is right. Right now, we will meet her in the physical realm, me in spirit. Since we both are spirit ultimately, it shouldn’t be hard, for on a heart and soul level we are always connected.”
Tuco asks me to pick some blue flowers for Rachel, so I do.
“Let’s go,” says Tuco.
At that moment, four big white butterflies come flying, and between them, they carry a large see-through piece of material or fabric, and we are invited to step up onto it. We do, and even if the material is very thin, it can easily hold us, and the butterflies carry us effortlessly.
What a magnificent way to be transported from a physical plane to a spirit landscape.
Tuco says:
“Since you were already present physically and in spirit at the same time, it is not a big deal. It is more a shift of perspective, or going outside your usual area of focus.
This is a way Rachel can use to connect with me. Use her imagination and intuition, call on the butterflies – and me – and we can go exploring, or they can take her to me. It is only the imagination that set the limits, for in reality there are no limits. I am always available to her and to Emily, for they are my family.”
The white butterflies put us down in a room in Rachel’s home. The fine-woven white/silver threaded material or fabric is placed on the floor. It is dark in the room, and I can see how the fabric gives off a soft light, lighting up the room in a magical way.
We go and sit on the luminous fabric on the floor. It feels like a sacred place here, a sanctuary.
The door opens, and Rachel comes in. She says:
“I saw there was light, but it’s you, my precious one. I knew your soul was brilliant and beautiful. Just like your heart. I’m so glad you have come to visit me.”
Tuco says, “Of course I came to see you. I brought a gift.”
I give Rachel the bouquet of small blue flowers.
Rachel takes it, smiles and holds it close to her heart.
“Thank you so much,” she says.

Tuco says:
“The flowers are to let you know that our love is eternal, and that I will always keep the memories of our life together alive in my heart.
Thank you, both of you, for your deep love for me, your dedicated care for me, for letting me be part of your family.
Our souls recognized each other. We not only needed each other in the physical realm, our hearts and our souls needed each other too.
We understood each other without speaking a word. Our hearts spoke in the language purest of them all: the language of the heart.
You asked how I am.
As you can see, I am doing fine. I am loved and cared for, in a beautiful nurturing place, touched by the Divine, filled by the Divine. You would love it.
We stood by each other right from the start, and you stood by me when it was my time to pass into the Light.
Thank you for always being there for me. Thank yo giving me a place in your beautiful heart. It’s the place I call home.
Keep practicing listening to your intuition, also when it comes to connecting with me.
Besides using the technique we used in this journey, listen within. If you feel sad and lonely, move from your head to your heart, and see in your heart a beautiful Divine light – with me right in the middle. That’s a place we can always meet.
Meaningful signs, like butterflies, are messages from me as well. Your heart will tell you. Trust your heart.
As your trusted companion I lit up your life when I was alive, let my love light up your life as you move forward now. I will be accompanying, supporting, and guiding you in spirit. Always cheering you on, to live the joyous life that is in your heart,
Let the grief go hand in hand with joy. Celebrate the life we created together. The gratitude you feel as you think about our life, often mixed with the sadness of the loss, will help you return to your heart, the place in your heart beyond the pain of the loss. The place where our eternal flame of Divine Love shines. Let that flame inspire you, motivate you, and assure you that I am right there with you, just as I always was, and just as I always will be.
Take it day by day for now. You will be fine. I am already fine, holding the light for you, holding you in my love.
My love is yours forever.”

As Tuco stops speaking, Rachel takes him up in her arms and hugs and kisses him. They sit close, in silence, for a long time. No words are needed, for they speak the language of the heart.
Eventually, Rachel lets him go and looks at him and says:
“Thank you, my dearest Tuco, for everything you have done and been for me. You stood by me through thick and thin. My heart belongs to you, and you will have a place forever in my heart. Thank you for being you.”
They say a warm goodbye, and the butterflies carry Tuco away on the silver-white fabric. He looks beautiful!
We wave goodbye to him and watch him disappear into the Light.
As Rachel looks at the nearby table, she sees an image or poster of a butterfly, right next to where she put the blue flowers she got from Tuco.
She places her hands on her heart and says, “Thank you, Tuco.”
I says thanks and goodbye and end the journey.