Special book launch celebration episode of the Healing Pet Loss Podcast
Our animal companions have many wonderful qualities: They show us unconditional love, loyalty, and they are always there for you. They teach us to become more present in and appreciate the Now. Listen to the podcast episode and share in the comments section below, what you have learned from your animal companion. What are some of your pet’s qualities that you needed to learn and your pet taught you?
In this episode of the Healing Pet Loss Podcast, Marianne shares one of the blogs from the ‘Connect-With-Your-Soul’ blog series from Healing Pet Loss’ ‘sister-website’ Give Your Dream Wings. The blog series has been created to celebrate the launch of the bestselling book “365 Ways To Connect With Your Soul“, which Marianne is a contributing author to.
Click here to read the blog version of this podcast episode – and to sign up FREE for the whole blog celebration series.
Read more about the book “365 Ways To Connect With Your Soul”, click here.
Buy “365 Ways To Connect With Your Soul” on Amazon.
Here is where you can sign up for Marianne’s soul blog series.