Power Animals – a little known source of healing after pet loss


Pittiput's helper

Pittiput’s helper

Many people have heard of power animals, but few are aware of the benefits and support they can bring you in daily life, especially in connection with the death of a pet. The help you and your pets can get from power animals and other spirit guides can be invaluable. I have not seen any method or resource for coping with the grief after pet loss that is as comprehensive and as deepgoing as shamanic journeying and working with power animals.

Power animals and other spirit guides can:

  • Help the grieving pet owner to cope with the death of a pet and receive vital healing which is not available through other means
  • Help you to recognize and honor your pets teachings and special gifts
  • Provide healing for your deceased pet and help him or her get safely settled in the afterlife.
  • Provide healing for the remaining pets in the household who are grieving the death of their animal companion.

Power animals are spirit guardians in animal form, and they have many ‘roles’. Power animals are the shaman’s friends, teachers, guides, protectors, and much more. But they are not only accessible to the shaman; all people and animals can benefit from their healing help, and receive empowerment, great wisdom, and guidance.  For an example of help from a power animal, see my article about Little Tut and the tiger.

If one of your pets has just died, acquiring or retrieving a power animal for you and the surviving pets in the household who are grieving, can provide you with the strength and support and insight needed  to cope with the loss. Your deceased pet may also be connected with a power animal or another guide who will help him in the afterlife.

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