Preparing for the death of a pet: A cat announces her imminent death

My cat Kia lying in the sunSometimes it’s not the vets but the pets themselves who announce that they will soon be crossing over.

They are gently trying to prepare you for that heartbreaking moment when they will no longer be here with you in their physical form.

You might have noticed a slight difference in their behavior, and if you ask them – and then try to listen closely – they might tell you.

The following is a short communication I had with my cat Kia  2 weeks before she died.

Sunday 17 June 2012

I was outside in the garden, watching over my cat Kia, as she was resting in the sun. I ask her if she has any messages for me, and she says:

(Kia):  I have been in this cat body for a long time now, and it will soon be time for me to return to my spirit form.

(M):  How soon?

(Kia):  Don’t worry about how soon.

Live and love – that is your most important task. Just as I have lived and loved, so must you also learn to live and love after I’m gone.

Don’t let your perception of death take you away from loving and living.

Your problem is that you consider death to be a separation – and on the physical level it might seem to be so.

You forget, however, that you are not a purely physical being. You are spirit inhabiting a body – a physical form.

That spirit doesn’t die.

Like an iceberg [where nine tenths is below the surface] , the main part of our bond – our love and connection – is beyond the physical. It is a connection of hearts, of souls, of spirit.

Recognize what you truly are, and fear death no more. Connect with the vast being that is you – the one who embraces and encompasses all. The one who contains all but is yet one.

You and I are both part of that One – so we can never be truly apart. Through love we are always one.

(M):  Thank you.

Kia’s wise words are a good reminder to us when our pet is dying and after our pet has died. I hope they bring you comfort, as they have brought me comfort.


  1. Tanja Jaeger says

    Dear Marianne,
    Your story resonates with me so much as we lost our boy Midnight to kidney failure. This all happened suddenly and we were in denial about him going even though he was really not doing well. We bought him home that night and he was with me in my bed and I asked him what to do as I was so confused. The message he gave me was that he was very tired of fighting to live, and that he was born with this condition so I mustn’t feel guilty. That he had lived many lives in King Arthur’s times and Egypt and that he had experienced many things and been with us many times before and that this was not the end. He left me with a strong sense that we would be seeing him again in this lifetime. What was really amazing is that we took photos of him some months before and he was surrounded by different orbs in every photo! A sign perhaps that he was ready to go and his guardians were around him to help him with the transition.

    • Dear Tanja, Thank you for sharing your story about Midnight. I am sorry for your loss. It was a great thing you did – connect with him and listen for his message for you. That is something which can easily be forgotten or neglected in the midst of the grief and the pain. It also touches upon something important that is very hard to do: If we recognize that our pet is most likely going to die soon, that we give him or her our permission to die. To get to the point where we can say to him/her that of course I prefer you stay here with me, but if it is your time to go it is okay. Just expressing that to yourself and to your pet can bring much peace – or at least a degree of acceptance. In my experience our pets often know way before we know (or we are willing to admit) that they will be crossing over soon. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were already preparations taking place months before the transition actually occurred. By the way, it was interesting to hear about the orbs on the photos. I hope you will consider joining the ” Pinterest Pet Memorial Board” ( and post a couple of the photos you mentioned, or other photos of Midnight. Just contact me if you have any questions.

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