[Release the pain of Pet Loss Guilt with Zizou the angel dog] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Cynthia and her angel dog Zizou on December 9, 2022.
You can both listen to and read Zizou’s message below.
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Before the journey, as I was beginning my preparations, I got a strong image of Archangel Sandalphon and his turquoise color. He is the archangel that takes your prayers and lifts them up to the Divine and brings back the response to you. For Cynthia the power of prayer might be helpful, using it in whatever form is best for her. She might find it healing and inspiring to work with the color turquoise.
Archangel Uriel with his golden light shows up too, presenting his gifts of light and intuitive insights that bring emotional healing that lead to transformation.
Lastly, Archangel Michael is here with Divine protection and strength, and with his sword of light cutting away attachments to negative energies.
As I go further into the present moment with my awareness and intention to connect with Cynthia’s angel dog Zizou, I look at the photo of her. For a moment it is as if there is a big sun behind her. So much light, and.so beautiful. It seems as if she has a big round golden halo around her whole body.
I am reminded of the traditional Sun card in Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot, with the sun, the boy, the horse.
The tarot image almost seems to serve as a portal into the spirit / card landscape. We enter the beautiful nature landscape which is filled with much light and joy. Cynthia’s son is there, and he and Zizou are playing. Horse is standing nearby.
Cynthia comes, and she first stands looking at her boy and Zizou, smiling. She then goes to horse, greets horse and puts her arms around the horse’s neck while leaning against it, feeling comforted by this good friend. As she looks into horse’s eyes, horse smiles with compassion and reassurance.
Horse says:
“Everything will be okay, my dear. Relax. Enjoy the vision of them playing – and hold it. They are both close to the Divine. These pure souls are held by the Divine and blessed. So are you for your big, kind heart.
Take care of your grieving heart during this time, and come to me also for comfort, guidance and support. I can help you get more in touch with your intuition and inner guidance. I can help you find strength and courage to move forward.”
The boy calls Cynthia. He and Zizou have been arranging a picnic on a blanket placed on the grass. They both look at Cynthia with joy and anticipation when they announce that the picnic is ready.
They sit down; sitting on the blanket on the grass puts them in direct contact with the Earth as they eat and drink. Horse stands close by.
Zizou says:
“Think of the joy we had, all of us, and especially think of the heart-to-heart bond we shared, you and I.
That bond connects us as we both move forward, and all the fun and fond memories from our time together: they are with you as well.
Everything serves a purpose or has a lesson to teach. When it comes to challenges and difficult experiences, it helps to look for the lesson in it.
That may be helpful to you when it comes to the circumstances around my passing.
We both know you did the best you could, and you had my best in mind. But in dealing with the nagging doubts, ask yourself: if you were ever to come in a similar situation again, what would you do differently, if anything? What would you add or change that would help you feel you could face this with no regret?
We are always learning. All of us. That is what our earthly experience is for – but not only that. It is also about living fully, loving fully, and experiencing and sharing joy.
Think of some joyful moments we had. Let them fill you with sun, laughter, with gratitude and with an energy that bubbles over and rejoices at the gift of life. Like when you watched us two playing.” [Zizou and Cynthia’s son]
“Release the pain of the guilt, and ease into the Now where you find me by your side.”
Zizou stops speaking. As we look around, we are now by the beach, overlooking the vast sea, the sun shining on the water, sky blue, and a fresh breeze rejuvenates and refreshes body and soul.
Archangel Sandalphon with his characteristic turquoise color, approaches us and says to Cynthia:
“Let your prayers go to the Divine, and release them as I lift them up, and I return with blessings, insights, guidance, and support for you.
Have faith that you are not alone and that support is available. All you need to do is ask.
As you see, Zizou is doing fine. She’s healthy and happy.
As you walk home, walk in peace, and reflect on the messages, experiences and images from this Sacred Journey.
Bless you, my dear child.”
Sandalphon leaves.
Zizou comes to Cynthia, and says:
“Thank you for everything. I treasured the life we shared together. That’s what true love is: sharing all life’s ups and downs, with the love connecting us. Inseparable at a heart level, our souls of the same family.
What we have can never be lost. Your heart knows it.
Invite the rest of the family to share their feelings and memories, and as you all do that, keep in mind that grief and sadness go hand in hand with joy and gratitude. All of it is basically an expression of the deep love you feel and that we share.
What you feel is okay. Take the time to grieve in the way that is right for you.
I am by your side as I have always been.
Be at peace. All will be well.
Blessings to you all.”
They say a warm farewell.
Horse asks Cynthia:
“Should I take you home?”
Cynthia says: “Yes, please.”
Together they walk home. They wave to Zizou who stays at the beach for now.
Zizou sits looking out over the sea, taking in the magnificent view. A dolphin jumps up out of the water, and Zizou greets the dolphin with a woof.
I ask my spirit guide if there is anything else we need to do.
He says:
“No, they will be fine for now. They just need time to heal and adjust.”
I give thanks and end the journey.
[Client testimonial]

Archangel Uriel with his golden light shows up too, presenting his gifts of light and intuitive insights that bring emotional healing that lead to transformation.
Lastly, Archangel Michael is here with Divine protection and strength, and with his sword of light cutting away attachments to negative energies.
As I go further into the present moment with my awareness and intention to connect with Cynthia’s angel dog Zizou, I look at the photo of her. For a moment it is as if there is a big sun behind her. So much light, and.so beautiful. It seems as if she has a big round golden halo around her whole body.
I am reminded of the traditional Sun card in Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot, with the sun, the boy, the horse.
The tarot image almost seems to serve as a portal into the spirit / card landscape. We enter the beautiful nature landscape which is filled with much light and joy. Cynthia’s son is there, and he and Zizou are playing. Horse is standing nearby.
Cynthia comes, and she first stands looking at her boy and Zizou, smiling. She then goes to horse, greets horse and puts her arms around the horse’s neck while leaning against it, feeling comforted by this good friend. As she looks into horse’s eyes, horse smiles with compassion and reassurance.
Horse says:
“Everything will be okay, my dear. Relax. Enjoy the vision of them playing – and hold it. They are both close to the Divine. These pure souls are held by the Divine and blessed. So are you for your big, kind heart.
Take care of your grieving heart during this time, and come to me also for comfort, guidance and support. I can help you get more in touch with your intuition and inner guidance. I can help you find strength and courage to move forward.”
The boy calls Cynthia. He and Zizou have been arranging a picnic on a blanket placed on the grass. They both look at Cynthia with joy and anticipation when they announce that the picnic is ready.
They sit down; sitting on the blanket on the grass puts them in direct contact with the Earth as they eat and drink. Horse stands close by.
Zizou says:
“Think of the joy we had, all of us, and especially think of the heart-to-heart bond we shared, you and I.
That bond connects us as we both move forward, and all the fun and fond memories from our time together: they are with you as well.
Everything serves a purpose or has a lesson to teach. When it comes to challenges and difficult experiences, it helps to look for the lesson in it.
That may be helpful to you when it comes to the circumstances around my passing.
We both know you did the best you could, and you had my best in mind. But in dealing with the nagging doubts, ask yourself: if you were ever to come in a similar situation again, what would you do differently, if anything? What would you add or change that would help you feel you could face this with no regret?
We are always learning. All of us. That is what our earthly experience is for – but not only that. It is also about living fully, loving fully, and experiencing and sharing joy.
Think of some joyful moments we had. Let them fill you with sun, laughter, with gratitude and with an energy that bubbles over and rejoices at the gift of life. Like when you watched us two playing.” [Zizou and Cynthia’s son]

“Release the pain of the guilt, and ease into the Now where you find me by your side.”
Zizou stops speaking. As we look around, we are now by the beach, overlooking the vast sea, the sun shining on the water, sky blue, and a fresh breeze rejuvenates and refreshes body and soul.
Archangel Sandalphon with his characteristic turquoise color, approaches us and says to Cynthia:
“Let your prayers go to the Divine, and release them as I lift them up, and I return with blessings, insights, guidance, and support for you.
Have faith that you are not alone and that support is available. All you need to do is ask.
As you see, Zizou is doing fine. She’s healthy and happy.
As you walk home, walk in peace, and reflect on the messages, experiences and images from this Sacred Journey.
Bless you, my dear child.”
Sandalphon leaves.
Zizou comes to Cynthia, and says:
“Thank you for everything. I treasured the life we shared together. That’s what true love is: sharing all life’s ups and downs, with the love connecting us. Inseparable at a heart level, our souls of the same family.
What we have can never be lost. Your heart knows it.
Invite the rest of the family to share their feelings and memories, and as you all do that, keep in mind that grief and sadness go hand in hand with joy and gratitude. All of it is basically an expression of the deep love you feel and that we share.
What you feel is okay. Take the time to grieve in the way that is right for you.
I am by your side as I have always been.
Be at peace. All will be well.
Blessings to you all.”
They say a warm farewell.
Horse asks Cynthia:
“Should I take you home?”
Cynthia says: “Yes, please.”
Together they walk home. They wave to Zizou who stays at the beach for now.
Zizou sits looking out over the sea, taking in the magnificent view. A dolphin jumps up out of the water, and Zizou greets the dolphin with a woof.
I ask my spirit guide if there is anything else we need to do.
He says:
“No, they will be fine for now. They just need time to heal and adjust.”
I give thanks and end the journey.
[Client testimonial]
Thank you for sending me this beautiful message and for connecting with Zizou’s sacred spirit journey. I will hold this close to my heart for years to come.
I am so comforted and moved by the imagery and words sent to me in this message. Over the course of the last month, it’s helped me not only to move forward in my grieving process, but to find meaning in my grieving process as well, which has helped tremendously. I feel Zizou close to me every day, and will even momentarily see her or feel her by my side or at my feet. Sometimes she’s staring at me at the top of our stairs :) I know she’s with me and my family still.
With gratitude, Cynthia