Removing obstacles with shamanic journeying

Sometimes the obstacles, worries, and challenges we encounter seem insurmountable to us, and we have a hard time dealing with them, let alone seeing a solution to them.

One thing we often don’t realize, however, is that the only thing that is required to get things moving in the right direction is a mindset shift. But often that is easier said than done.

There are many methods for removing blocks and obstacles, but there is one method I have discovered to be both simple and powerful, and that is shamanic journeying. If you use shamanic journeying to handle obstacles, you will sometimes experience that immediate shift – a letting go and seeing things from a different and bigger perspective and with more clarity. You suddenly see that the only thing that stands in your way is your own mind.

Below is a brief excerpt from a shamanic journey I did some time ago, asking for help to deal with some obstacles I felt I had in my own life.

At the bottom of the tunnel, a big round stone blocks the entrance to the Lower World, and I am stuck. My power animal says that I put it there myself, “…because you don’t think you can do it [referring to my perceived obstacle].” He continues, smiling, “The silly thing is that you know better than anybody that it is easy to move that stone.” He goes over and touches the stone which is big, round, and smooth. I go and touch it too. I touch it very lightly with my index finger, and the big stone moves easily away. We step out into the Lower World. I hear the stone gently laughing.

Images are a powerful tool for going past our mental noise; the image and feelings from that journey had a profound impact on me, and I wanted to share it with you here in the hope that it can benefit you.

Another thing this journey shows is how – in my experience – spirit helpers are wonderfully compassionate and non-judgmental in their support, healing and guidance (much like the beloved pets we have in our care).

What you can do

If you are already connected with a power animal or another spirit helper, you can ask them for guidance in handling whatever challenge you have right now. Otherwise, you can do a meditation where you first get calm and then ask for help with your problem. And then pay attention to what comes up – it might just be a thought or a fleeting image, or perhaps a deep insight.

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