[See with the heart – Piti the angel cat’s message from beyond]
One thing that brings much comfort when your beloved pet has passed is receiving from them a personal message.
You can both listen to and read Piti’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple Podcast, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple Podcast, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM
As soon as I set the intention to connect with Piti, I instantly hear Piti say:
“Is she coming home soon?”
This moves me deeply, and I am inspired to put on the YouTube video with Eric Berglund’s Healing Light. That is noteworthy, as I don’t usually play music as I do my journeys. It feels like this music is important for Diana and Piti.
The light-purple color on the video stands out to me, and Piti is traveling down to me on that purple light from above.
I don’t get to do any more preparations, because Piti is already here with me now. He stands before me in that soft purple light that I associate with Archangel Jeremiel who is especially about Life Review . . . “and Renewal”, Piti says.
Piti continues:
“I need to go to Diana now. I’m so grateful she heard my call and that she has reached out. Let’s go.”
Piti starts moving, and in the direction he faces, the purple light turns into purple flowers that float before us.
As we move, a whole landscape begins to form or become clear before. Beautiful. Trees, blue sky, sunshine, purple flowers growing along the path we walk on, and white flowers, and some yellow ones.
By the side of the path is a bench. We sit here.
Piti says:
“I’m gonna close my eyes and wish for Diana to come to me.”
The purity and beauty of Piti’s soul moves me deeply. I join him in sending out a prayer for Diana to join us or hear/see us somehow.
I get an image of the ‘Lifting the Veil’ card from Rebecca Campbell’s Starseed Oracle cards, and I sense that a veil is being lifted from Diana’s eyes and that she first senses Piti, then calls out his name. As she does, the sun shines on her, and with her inner eyes she sees him; so beautiful. It is like he is by her side.
“I am”, Piti says. “I am by your side. Your grief was blocking your experience of my presence. See with your heart, not with your mind.
It is your mind, racked with guilt, that imposes the feeling of separation. The bond of love connects us. When you know, feel and allow yourself to fully experience that, you’ll see that I’m near.
Our hearts touched when we met. Let your heart stay open to the love I send you. I need you, as you need me. Our love is forever. It doesn’t matter we were only together for a short time, for our souls connected as they had done many times before.
As for your questions, we can look at them from a physical/earthly perspective, or we can look at them from a soul perspective.
From an earthly perspective, let yourself be embraced by my eternal love and the wisdom of Archangel Jeremiel, and use the Life Review he holds the sacred space for. Look with gentle, non-judgmental eyes on your life and our life together, and write down our celebrations, our challenges, what you’ve learned.
Everything you experience is an opportunity for you to grow. Are there things you will do differently in the future based on what happened? It’s all okay. We’re together now.
That’s when the soul perspective comes in, for on a soul level, we are never apart. Our hearts belong together. The light in your heart shines in my heart too. I saw the beauty of your soul, and I felt honored and deeply grateful to share my life with your.
Be gentle with yourself, for you did the very best you could. Balancing practical obligations with the heart’s need is not always easy.
I knew always that you loved me from the bottom of your heart. Know that when you were away, you were always on my mind and in my heart. Two heats, one love.
I never doubted your love.
I am fine now. Thank you so much for connecting with me in spirit. It means a lot to me.
To connect with me, you can for example listen to the same music [Healing Light], and when you do, imagine me traveling along the purple light to you, bringing with me many beautiful flowers from my heart to yours.
When you see flowers or bring them into your home, think of me, and let them be a reminder to you of the beauty and sacredness of our love. Cherish it, like I do.”
As Piti speaks, I see how the purple light around him gets stronger and stronger. Piti is in a bubble of purple light. He is so very beautiful. A true angel.

Piti is about to leave, but before he does, he says to Diana:
“Never forget that I love you with all my heart, now and forever. I am at peace now, for I feel you in my heart near. Live your life with an open heart. Live guided by your soul, and trust the decisions your soul inspires you to make, regardless of what you used to do or what your surroundings say. Your heart is your guide, and that is where I am too.
Thank you for your love, for your care, for taking a chance on me.”
We watch how the purple bubble of light moves in big circles around us. Higher and higher until it becomes one with The Light.
Diana says: “Thank you, Piti, with all my heart.”
As Diana looks before her, a purple flower lies there. She picks it up and holds it close to her heart. She says: “My sweet Piti. You will always have a place in my heart.”
I ask my spirit guide if there is anything else we need to do.
My spirit guide says: “That’s it for now.” He points to a white butterfly that is accompanying Diana as she goes back home. Diana looks at the butterfly and smiles. A sign and visit from spirit.
I give thanks and end the journey.
❤️ Receive your own pet’s personal healing message
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says:
Receive a message from YOUR Pet.