Avoid prolonged grief and get comfort and peace of mind after the death of your pet

Copyright, Marianne Soucy

If you are grieving the death of your beloved pet, one or few sessions of the time-tested method of shamanic journeying can help you and your pets in this challenging time.

I have had good results using shamanic journeying to help both humans and animals, and I will with great care and compassion do a journey to help you cope with your grief, make sure your deceased pet gets the healing and help necessary to get settled safely in the afterlife, communicate messages between you and your deceased pet, and help your grieving pets after they’ve lost their animal companion.

What happens in a Healing Pet Loss Session?

Shamanic journeying can easily be done as distance work, so you will stay in the comfort of your own home, while I do the journey. Afterwards, I will email you a description of what happened in the journey. Then we can get in touch on Skype or email, so I can answer any questions you might have, and so we can determine, how you can move on from here.

Your next step
Learn more about the Shamanic Journey

Copyright © 2011-2025 Marianne Soucy & Healing Pet Loss. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction of any part or in any form is strictly prohibited.