t "I came into this world to walk your life path with you and share my joy and love with you. To help you connect to your heart and soul, and keep them safe, sound and open, even when challenges might tempt you to close them off." Tyler, the … [Read more...]
‘Your heart will always know when I am around’ ~Duke the angel cat

Losing a beloved animal companion is heartbreaking and the grief that follows difficult to cope with. I have loved and lost animal friends of my own, and one of the things I found most helpful in getting peace after pet loss is connecting with the … [Read more...]
There is no limit to my love for you – Monty the angel dog

Losing a beloved animal companion is heartbreaking and the grief that follows difficult to cope with. I have loved and lost animal friends of my own, and one of the things I found most helpful in getting peace after pet loss is connecting with the … [Read more...]
Be at peace – A sacred encounter with Mikey the angel cat

It is through Sacred Spirit Journeys, a variation of shamanic journeys, that I connect and communicate with animals in the afterlife. Through these journeys I can also connect with animals that are still alive, and with Spirit. These journeys also … [Read more...]
On Wings of Gratitude – Meeting Leroy Murphy in the Light

It is through Sacred Spirit Journeys, a variation of shamanic journeys, that I connect and communicate with animals in the afterlife. Through these journeys I can also connect with animals that are still alive, and with Spirit. These journeys also … [Read more...]
See with the heart – Piti the angel cat’s message from beyond

[See with the heart - Piti the angel cat's message from beyond] One thing that brings much comfort when your beloved pet has passed is receiving from them a personal message. You can both listen to and read Piti's message … [Read more...]
Benji and the Rabbit

[Benji and the Rabbit] One thing that brings much comfort when your beloved pet has passed is receiving from them a sign or a synchronicity. That often happens for people when they go about their daily life, and I often experience them when I do … [Read more...]
Special California Fires Podcast Episode: Spiritual Support And A Way Forward

This is a very special Podcast episode where I share spiritual support for animals, humans and the Earth in connection with the devastating fires taking place in California, USA in 2018. I felt moved to take action for those affected by these … [Read more...]
Sacred Spirit Journey for Sarah’s angel cat Josie

After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their … [Read more...]
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