When you are grieving the loss of a beloved pet, the painful feelings of sorrow, grief, and guilt and the emptiness in your heart and in your home after your pet is gone, can make it difficult to get comfort and peace of mind. One morning I decided … [Read more...]
A message of peace for those who are grieving the loss of a beloved pet
Seeing beyond the illness – a spirit meeting with an ill pet’s radiant self

When our beloved pet's health is failing and it may soon be time for them to pass on, it is heartbreaking to watch our before so energetic and joyful animal friend lose their energy and ability to do what they used to be able to do. You may have … [Read more...]
A Message of Peace for the Holidays

Just as connecting with and receiving messages from animals and spirit guides can bring much comfort in coping with the loss of a beloved pet, these messages can also guide us in our daily life. Since the end of the year and the holidays are now … [Read more...]
A Gift of Gratitude

Today I offer you a gift of Gratitude - a beautiful message I received from my spirit guide during a shamanic journey, as I asked for some new insights on gratitude. I will now share an excerpt of this magical journey: I take a deep breath and … [Read more...]
Love is freedom – A message from a missing pet

One of things that those of us who have animal in our care fear most is when our animal friend goes missing. It is a very challenging situation to be in, and it can be exceedingly difficult to get peace of mind, because we keep wondering whether our … [Read more...]
Bear speaks on interconnectedness and walking in light

Animals are wonderful teachers – not only does your own animal companion bring you many gifts and lessons, but all animals have their own wisdom that can bring healing, inspiration and empowerment into your life. Today, Bear’s message centers … [Read more...]
Widening The Circle Of Compassion – A Meeting With Deer

One of my favorite ways of paying tribute to an animal companion is by learning from them. Our animal companions can give us a kind of unconditional love that we rarely find anywhere else, and I cannot think of a better way to honor our angel animal … [Read more...]
Animals As Teachers – A Message Of Light From An Angel Cat

In a recent healing journey on of my angel cats, my orange cat Pittiput, showed up. The journey and his message was so moving that I have decided to share an excerpt of that journey here, so you may also benefit from his healing wisdom. As I connect … [Read more...]
Widening the Circle of Compassion – Spider Magic

In our "Widening-The-Circle-Of-Compassion" series we deal with animals that we don't usually consider pets. They can be wild animals (like fox in the first article in this series; or they can be animals that most of us have a difficult time extending … [Read more...]
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