Coping with a missing pet – part 3

This article is part 3 in the article series "Coping with a missing pet". You can also read part 1, part 2, and part 4. A dogs message of peace One of the keys to both coping with and connecting with a missing pet is achieving a state of peace and … [Read more...]

Coping with a missing pet – part 2

This article is part 2 in the article series "Coping with a missing pet". You can also read part 1, part 3 and part 4 Connecting with a missing pet When a beloved pet is missing, besides desperately wanting our companion back, we have an even … [Read more...]

Coping with a missing pet: Helpful advice from an angel cat

This article is part 1 in the article series "Coping with a missing pet". You can also read  part 2, part 3, and part 4. When a beloved pet goes missing, the uncertainty and the fear of what may have happened can be devastating. Not only can your … [Read more...]

Animals As Spiritual Teachers

If you have a pet, you will have experienced first hand, how much love and joy your pet brings into your life. But you might not have thought of your pet as a teacher. However, if you look closer, then you will discover that your pet, besides love … [Read more...]

A meeting with a beloved pet in the afterlife

In this article I am going to share something very special with you. It is a meeting I had with my own deceased cat, Pittiput, in the afterlife during a shamanic journey about two months after he died. A little background My husband and I liked to go … [Read more...]

Removing obstacles with shamanic journeying

Sometimes the obstacles, worries, and challenges we encounter seem insurmountable to us, and we have a hard time dealing with them, let alone seeing a solution to them. One thing we often don’t realize, however, is that the only thing that is … [Read more...]

Dreaming while awake – a tool for healing

Today I am going to share with you a simple technique that will help you heal in a stressful situation, whether you are stressed at your work or you are grieving the death of your pet. I discovered it one day while I was sitting at a table in a café, … [Read more...]

You never know who will show up!

Power animals and other helping spirits can be of great help to you and your pet, both while your pet is alive and after your pet has died (see "Power animals - a little known source of healing after pet loss"). You may have an idea of what kind of … [Read more...]

Power Animals – a little known source of healing after pet loss

  Many people have heard of power animals, but few are aware of the benefits and support they can bring you in daily life, especially in connection with the death of a pet. The help you and your pets can get from power animals and other spirit … [Read more...]

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