Sigmund the Angel Dogs Afterlife Adventure

I will share below the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for the angel dog Sigmund.

After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones.

You can both listen to and read Sigmund’s message below.

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Already as I prepare for the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Sigmund, he shows up. It happens during the part where I feel inspired to fill out my body with gratitude. And with the gratitude comes light.

“The gratitude comes from me,” I hear a little voice say.

I am drawn deep into the heart space. First it is filled with light, and I can’t see anything but light. Then in the light, a little shape appears: Sigmund. Beautiful, radiant.

Sigmund leads me out into the heart landscape. As we walk, the surroundings becomes clearer.

There are open grassy areas and meadows, but also pockets of forest, and some low hills. A fascinating landscape.

We get to one of the forested areas, and out comes a stunning brown horse. Proud, but very kind and friendly.

Sigmund and the horse clearly know each other. They greet each other warmly, and Sigmund introduces me to the horse. Horse says:

“Let’s take a walk.”

Sigmund jumps up on a stone and the horse bends his head down, so Sigmund can jump over and walk onto horse’s back.

I wish I could get a picture of the two friends together. Horse standing and Sigmund standing on horse’s back.

Horse starts to walk slowly and carefully. Taking his time.

Sigmund is good at balancing.

We walk for a while through the forest. Sigmund greets the animals he meets. Bees, birds, a squirrel. Even a tree frog.

A surprising amount of animals at horse level – including some you would expect closer to the ground. Sigmund is well liked and so is the horse.

We are deep in the forest now, but it’s still light and open. A very pleasant feeling and atmosphere here.

We get to a little wooden house in a clearing. Some hollyhocks grow by the house. And a rose bush filled with soft pink flowers with a wonderful fragrance.

Horse bends down and Sigmund jumps off. sigmund looks up at me and smiles:

“This sacred place is a place where my human can meet me – and us. She has access to it through her heart. All that’s required is that she lets her imagination free and trusts her intuition.

Horse can help with the intuition part, isn’t that right?”

Horse nods.

Archangel Ariel comes, greets us warmly and says:

“I can help Sigmund’s human connect more deeply with her soul and with nature. In fact, spending time in nature is a way for her to deepen her connection with nature and with spirit. We are available, if she wants to connect.”

Then to my surprise, Sigmund’s human companion suddenly comes out of the house with a pie and she offers us some.

She smiles to us:

“Yes, I was here already, getting ready for you to arrive. I knew you would come,” she says to Sigmund and bends down, picks him up, and kisses him.

They are very close, and very connected. She sits in a chair with Sigmund on her lap. Words don’t seem to be so important. They are together. Deep love, trust in their unbreakable connection.

She looks up at Archangel Ariel and says:

“Thank you for coming. I really appreciate that. I look forward to connecting with you.”

She then turns to Sigmund, and he starts to speak, knowing what is on her mind.

Sigmund says:

“I think you already know the answers to your own questions – you who know me better than anyone.

I understand your best choice was to assist me in passing into the Light. I agree and I thank you for caring about and for me. That means a lot to me.

As you can see, I am doing well here. It is a most beautiful place, and I have so many friends.

I love to pay you visits, and keep you company during the day, but I also love when you visit me, often at night when your spirit flies free. Trust your intuition and your inner knowing.

Your inner voice is very strong. All you need to do is listen – and trust. Your heart is an open portal to my magical landscape, so it’s easy for us both to travel back and forth.

How fortunate we are to have shared our life and created many wonderful memories, and how fortunate we are that our spirits can still meet.

It may take a little while for your conscious self to learn trust.

Just know I am right here, and that you can do it. It may feel like your imagination to you, but it’s not.

Celebrate the joy we experienced, created and shared. There are many ways to do that. How can you do it?

A ceremony, an image collage…. What is it for you?”

Sigmund continues:

“Tell them at home that I love them very much and thank them for the many good times we had.

I feel truly blessed.

Take the time you need to grieve. In the way that feel right to you.

When you get sad and lonely, just call on me, and I’ll be by your side with all my love and my joy.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my family. You’ll always have a treasured place in my heart.

Blessings and love.”

They say a warm farewell.

Sigmund’s human also leaves and says goodbye to the horse and to Archangel Ariel.

As she leaves for home, Sigmund says:

“We’ll stay and hold this magical place for you. Enter in your dreams or in your imaginations. We’ll be here.”

“Will you visit me?” she asks.

“Yes, you’ll feel me when I’m around. Trust what you feel. Meditation can help you get more in touch with your feelings and with me.”

As they are gone and my spirit guide and I are heading home, he says:

Sigmund and his human companion are strongly connected at a spirit level, as you can see. At a more conscious, physical level, some practice can help her remember what she already knows.”

I give thanks and end the journey.

Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️

I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.

I have made my Sacred Spirit Journey service available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal friend that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link above or on the menu at the top of this page where it says ‘receive a message’.

Copyright © 2011-2025 Marianne Soucy & Healing Pet Loss. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction of any part or in any form is strictly prohibited.