Signs and Synchronicities after Pet Loss

Signs and Synchronicities after Pet Loss
[Signs and Synchronicities after Pet Loss] When your beloved pet has passed, receiving a sign from the pet or experiencing a synchronicity can bring much comfort. We want to reach out to our beloved animal companion and feel their presence once again, even if only for a brief moment.

I often experience synchronicities when I do my Sacred Spirit Journeys for clients. Synchronicities may be experienced before, during or after the Sacred Spirit Journey.

If we can remain open and rise above heavy emotions, then synchronicities will almost certainly occur. The key is not to go around looking for them; if you are open and cultivate awareness and the attitude that anything is possible, synchronicities will find you!

What are Synchronicities?

So what are synchronicities? Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that show you that there is a connection between and overlapping of what is inside you and what is outside you; the inner and the outer. Synchronicities remind us that the universe is nurturing and supports us.

Synchronicities are common in connection with the loss of a beloved animal companion. In connection with pet loss, synchronicities can be a bridging or reaching out from the other side, or a thinning of the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds.

In this episode of the Healing Pet Loss Podcast, I will share some examples of the signs and synchronicities experienced by myself and others. All client experiences are presented with the client’s permission.

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1) Juli’s sign from her beloved angel dog Eva

The first example of a sign from a pet that has passed I will share here, is Juli’s sign from her beloved angel dog Eva. The healing power of the sign she received from her angel dog is clear in Juli’s message to me.

Juli wrote the following email to me, with her experience.

Hello Marianne,

I came across your podcast on Spotify. I lost my dear little miniature schnauzer just two weeks ago. She was nearly 14 but became so unwell from the cancer in her mouth that I had to say goodbye to her.

I miss her so much, she was my best friend and soul mate. Listening to your podcasts and others like it, has helped me change my grief into something more positive.

I wanted to share a story with you, which may be something that you have heard before. One of your podcasts suggests to share stories that show there is some connection with our beloved pets in their afterlife.

Two days after Eva died, I went to see her again at the pet crematorium before she was due to be cremated. This was my second visit to see her there because I just really struggled to let her go without one final private time with her to touch, kiss and stroke her. My partner came with me and we took two roses with us that had come from a bunch that a friend had left on my doorstep on the day she had died.

The roses were a beautiful orange and yellow. We sprinkled the petals around her and my partner said a prayer to her in Hindi. It was a special moment and the last time that I saw my little girl.

A few days later, I walked home from my local shops near home, outside the pet shop where I had often purchased things for her and had taken her there with me, a group of rose petals, the same colour as the ones we had sprinkled on her, were lying on the pavement.

This stopped me in my tracks, I looked around, only the petals were on the pavement. No discarded roses or anything else. There is no florist nearby or a shop that sold flowers. I cannot understand how the petals would have been dropped or fallen on the pavement. I can only think that my little girl left them there for me, when I needed a little message from her to say ‘hello mummy, I’m still around’.

That is what I like to think, it was a very special moment and it means a lot to me. I can only thank her for sending me the message when I was at rock bottom.

Perhaps this is something you can share with others who are going through the terrible emptiness that losing our beautiful pets leaves us with.

Regards, Juli

After Juli’s meaningful experience with the sign from her beloved angel dog, I will now share a synchronicity that took place in connection with the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Adrianna to connect with her angel dog Benji.

2) Synchronicity in connection with Sacred Spirit Journey for angel dog Benji

After Juli’s meaningful experience with the sign from her beloved angel dog, I will now share a synchronicity that took place in connection with the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Adrianna to connect with her angel dog Benji.

At one place in the journey, a rabbit comes hopping over to Benji, and they run around playing together. After the journey, Adrianna told me that Benji’s favorite toy was a rabbit! She also sent a photo with Benji together with his rabbit.

The photo I received from her BEFORE the journey showed only Benji.

The following is from the e-mail Adrianna sent me after the journey. It shows how powerful and meaningful synchronicities can be.

Oh Marianne!

What a beautiful gift you have. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making the spiritual journey to bring me Benji’s message. It has brought peace to my soul and joy to my heart. The greatest thing is how he has a rabbit friend. In life, he had a rabbit toy. It was his favorite! He played with it all the time. Although I still miss my boy, I am comforted by the knowledge that he is always with me and that one day he will show me his landscape, and we will be together forever!

Eternally Grateful,
Adrianna (Benji’s Mom)

Benji and the Rabbit on the Healing Pet Loss Blog and Podcast.

3) Kathleen’s signs and synchronicities after receiving the Sacred Spirit Journey with her beloved angel cat Prince Harry’s message

The next synchronicity I will share also took place in connection with one of my Sacred Spirit Journeys. In this journey I connected with Kathleen’s angel cat Prince Harry.

In the journey to connect with Prince Harry, he is sitting on a little fluffy cloud when I meet him, and he has little white wings, looking so cute.

In the journey, a Hummingbird also shows up with the following message:

“Call on me to send or receive signs and messages, making it easy for you to connect with Prince Harry. I am also here to encourage you to taste the sweetness of life, to believe in the impossible, to remind you that love is everlasting, and that you can connect with your beloved Prince Harry. And simply to bring you joy, to give your dream wings and let your spirit fly.”

The journey resonated very much with Kathleen and brought her much peace. She also experienced some meaningful synchronicities, which she shares in the e-mail I received from her after the journey:

“I am incredibly grateful to have received the message from my sweet Prince Harry, and have listened to it regularly over the past few weeks. It has truly touched my heart.

On first listening, my emotions bubbled to the surface and I had to pause to collect myself — just hearing his name made my heart burst and I was flooded with happy and sad tears. However, the more I listen (too many times to count), the message brings a smile and I am filled with peace. Usually, I take a walk in the hills near my house, and listen while I walk. Your voice is very soothing. Only recently have I read the pdf, and that has brought new insights.

One of my most favorite parts of the message is the description of “little white wings”. This image simply brings me joy. When it became clear that we needed to release Harry to his eternal peace, I was deeply troubled with not knowing where he was going. I was devastated by this void and not seeing where he was. Seeing Harry on a cloud with his darling little wings has brought me clarity. I know he has a favorite spot and I can visualize him there.

Also, I loved hearing that he and I are heart and soul companions and that he likes to return, which explains why I sometimes feel his presence nearby.

In my last email I shared that I had yet to make a connection with the hummingbird in your message. Last week I happened to go into a shop, and I noticed a collection of photo cards on a table. They were photos of wildlife in the area. A card with a beautiful little bird caught my attention and I picked up to admire. I turned it over and it was a hummingbird!!! I was stunned. I had been looking so intently around my home, and then I was practically handed the most beautiful image out of the blue. I have written Hummingbird’s advice inside the card and I keep it close.

Listening to the messages on your podcast were instrumental in my healing process and inspired me to reach out to you. It would bring me happiness knowing that Harry and I could somehow help others.”

In Kathleen’s email, she not only mentions Hummingbird, but also Prince Harry’s ‘little white wings’. You can read and listen to the full Sacred Spirit Journey with Prince Harry on my website Angel cat Prince Harry and his little white wings

4) Synchronicity in connection with Sacred Spirit Journey for angel cat Bonnie

Another very interesting synchronicity happened during the journey I did for angel cat Bonnie. In the journey, a white owl comes flying, and at exactly the same time an owl – in ordinary reality – begins hooting, outside the room where I am doing the journey. It is seldom I hear an owl, and never before have I heard one that close!

The owl in the journey speaks to angel cat Bonnie’s human companion Sherry.

Owl says:

“I am the messenger from beyond, and through feathers and from birds you may experience a connection with your cat in the beyond. Allow the magic and mystery into your life. We are bringing you blessings and love from beyond. All you need to do is open your heart and invite the light in that’s on the way.”

Owl flies away again but leaves a beautiful white feather with us.

And in ordinary reality or real life, the owl stopped hooting in the exact moment my journey stopped. Quite unique. You can also find Bonnie the angel cat’s message and journey on the Healing Pet Loss Blog and Podcast: Bonnie the angel cat’s message of love – A Sacred Spirit Journey

5) Angel cat Monkey’s gift for Jocelyn

Another interesting synchronicity took place in connection with the Sacred Spirit Journey I did to connect with Jocelyn’s angel cat Monkey.

At some point during the journey, Monkey brings Jocelyn a beautiful stone necklace, and after the journey, I learned from Jocelyn that she has a stone necklace very similar to my description of the necklace Monkey brought her in the journey. Another one of those synchronicities that stay with you. They serve as validation and bring much comfort to the grieving person.

You can read the whole Sacred Spirit Journey with angel cat Monkey along with Jocelyn’s comments and experiences on the Healing Pet Loss Blog: Gifts at the end of the rainbow – meeting angel cat Monkey in the Light

6) Rainbow and cloud synchronicities from angel dog Pasta to his human Carla

In the beautiful Sacred Spirit Journey for angel dog Pasta, there was an amazing rainbow and beautiful fluffy clouds. After receiving the journey, Pasta’s human companion Carla sent me a message where she wrote the following:

“I just wanted to tell you that I’ve listened and read the message several times already, and I’m so touched by it. I wasn’t able to find any semblance of peace until I heard his message. Pasta was ‘my baby’ and I love him so dearly, the loss left me shattered. There have been so many ‘synchronicities’ with rainbows, clouds and paw prints I now see in my daily walks that I never saw before. I now accept that Pasta is still here with me”

Carla’s message is another powerful example of the healing power of experiencing signs and synchronicities after pet loss. There is much wisdom is Pasta’s message which you can find on the Healing Pet Loss Blog and Podcast. It is also included in my book: “Healing Pet Loss Guilt”. Blog and Podcast: Gratitude as a path to healing after pet loss with Pasta the angel dog

7) Rumi and the cherry blossoms

Following is another real life synchronicity that occurred after the death of my beloved black and white Manx cat Rumi.

Rumi had died very suddenly and tragically, as he was run over by a car on one of his nightly rounds. Still in a state of shock a few days after the loss, my husband and I decided to break our routines and do something completely different, something that we very rarely did. We went to a special theme/amusement park which is known for its garden-like atmosphere.

It is a beautiful sunny spring day, still and calm. We are walking and talking about Rumi, hoping that we will in some way get a sign that he is okay in the afterlife. We suddenly find ourselves standing in front of a group of magnificent cherry trees in full blossom with exquisitely beautiful pink flowers.

Just as we become aware of the trees, they start releasing their flowers! There is a steady ‘snowfall’ of pink flower petals. It is as if the cherry trees had purposely decided to release their flowers just at that moment.

We look around and see no sign of a breeze or movement in the other trees, all is still and calm. Yet, the cherry trees are shaking loose their blossoms, and this goes on for several minutes… We are not in doubt that Rumi is reaching out to say farewell and let us know he is OK in the afterlife.

This was a magical experience, and a synchronicity which we will always remember.

You can read our experience with a sign from Rumi on as well as in my book: “Healing Pet Loss: Practical Steps for Coping & Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides“. And on my Blog and Podcast: Synchronicity after pet loss: a true story

8) Peace

I will end this blog and podcast episode with a tribute to my beloved angel cat Peace who passed New Year’s morning 2024; about one hour after midnight.

During his last period, Peace spent most of his time lying in the window. During that time there happened to be a clear sky at night during a beautiful full moon, and for what felt like an unusually long time, the full moon was shining its magical light down on Peace every night as he was lying in the window. It was a most magical experience that will forever stay in my heart. An experience that brings me peace and faith.

Since Peace died, whenever my husband and I see the full moon, we feel his presence, thank him, and send him our love and blessings.

Peace will, along with our other angel cats, always have a place in our hearts.

When Synchronicites Occur

When synchronicities occur, you feel that your prayer has been heard, and it becomes so much easier to have faith and to trust. This state of mind can be a great help in letting healing take place within you and your life.

Have you ever experienced a sign from your pet after he or she died that you knew deep inside was a message for you?

❤️ Receive a personal message from your pet

I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal. From your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with. Learn more.

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