This is a very special Podcast episode where I share spiritual support for animals, humans and the Earth in connection with the devastating fires taking place in California, USA in 2018.
I felt moved to take action for those affected by these events in a way that comes naturally to me: through my Sacred Spirit Journeys. This audio contains one Sacred Spirit Journey and three visualizations.
- I share visualization #1 which is a powerful visualization or meditation to send spiritual support to those affected, which can provide healing and comfort to many at once. This is also a way for you to receive spiritual support yourself if you are personally affected by the events, and experience that help is available at the spiritual level.
- A Sacred Spirit Journey with an important message directly from Mother Earth to all of us.
- After Mother Earth’s message is visualization #2 which you can use to heal the earth.
- And finally, visualization #3 which you can use to release negative images from your mind.
California Fires Podcast Episode (only here on HPL)
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
In challenging times, an important part of my work is to hold the light, as my angel cat Minnie taught me. And to bring hope and point a way forward; to help bring comfort, healing, inspiration and guidance.
After uploading this audio, an image appeared to me on the internet which depicted an eye crying while looking at the earth. I instantly recognized the synchronicity and confirmation from the universe. After you listen to this audio, you will also see the significance of this sychronicity which symbolizes the Great Eye of Compassion.