Spiritual support for a dying pet: A Sacred Spirit Journey with Minnie the cat’s message

Minnie angel cat
When a beloved pet is dying, caring for the pet’s physical needs is a priority. But caring for the pet’s emotional and spiritual needs – as well as our own – can also make a huge difference in how the last period of a pet’s life and their passing takes place.

When you combine a physical-care approach with spiritual support for the pet and their human, not only will it allow you to better understand the pet’s wishes and spiritual state, but it will also bring you a degree of peace that can help you make decisions that are not made out of fear and that you will regret later.

Each case is, of course, unique, and the process will still be very challenging, but there will also be more of a feeling that you have honored your pet and his or her soul’s journey.

When my beloved cat Minnie was dying, she went through a long process where she insisted on passing in a natural way. She wanted her light to be ’unbroken’, as she put it.

Through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, which I use for communication, healing and guidance, Minnie shared many valuable lessons with me and my husband on how to best support her and deal with this challenging process.

These were some very challenging lessons, but now that the 1-year anniversary for Minnie’s passing is coming up in December 2017, I look back on a year where her lessons have helped me in so many other areas of my life besides in dealing with her passing.

Minnie continues to show up in my journeys for myself as well as for others. She has also been there to receive and guide others animals at the time of their passing.

In the following, I will share a Sacred Spirit Journey I did about 1½ month before Minnie passed. It will give you an idea of how Sacred Spirit Journeys might can be, and you will hear one of Minnie’s many messages.

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As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Minnie, I first meet my angel cat Pittiput who had passed about 6 years earlier.

Pittiput comes to me from the East with his animal spirit guide, a big male lion, and he brings a pink wild rose flower that he gives me.

It’s for Minnie“, he says.

I am now on the beach in one of the places I often travel to in my journeys. Minnie comes out from – or through – my heart center. She stops for a moment and looks, and sniffs. Puts her nose up in the air to really smell the fresh sea air. She’s thin but walking.

She walks slowly towards the sea, and stops close to the water where she can hear, feel, and smell it most. [note: Minnie is blind in physical reality]

I give her Pittiput’s flower.

This is from Pittiput“, I say.

She smells the flower, enjoys the fragrance and thanks us both.

I’m waiting for the light“, says Minnie.

My spirit guide approaches and puts a big bowl of his healing water in front of her. It looks like it’s filled with and sparkling with light. Minne starts drinking the water and she drinks it all. As she drinks, the healing and light from the water fills her and strengthens her. After the first bowl, she wants more. She drinks another bowl of water. She becomes filled with light. Her body fills out and her fur looks thick and well. She has a sparkle and a smile in her eyes.

Now I’m ready for my wreath of flowers“, she smiles to me. [a note: from previous journeys, Minnie has a close connection with wildflowers and likes to wear a wreath of flowers]

My spirit guide comes, bringing a beautiful wreath of wildflowers. He’s carrying it like a crown. Minnie bends her head slightly and my spirit guide puts the flower crown on her head.

She straightens up and radiates with light, life and beauty. Butterflies are flying around her. A little bird comes close and begins to sing a beautiful song.

Minnie says:

“My soul is singing of the light,
My soul is seeking light
My soul IS light.
When I become one with my own light, I will be ready.”

She has a regal appearance. No weakness can be seen or felt. Her energy is strong and powerful – she’s a true carrier of the light. The others recognize that and all approach her with reverence, respect and love.

Minnie turns her head towards me and says:

“Thank you for everything. For your love, your care, and all you do and strive to be.

Thank you for seeing me as I truly am. That allows me to easily take my rightful place among the other carriers of light.

Although my work in this physical body is soon done, my work and mission is not done. I will continue to teach and shine from beyond, and return when I’m needed and I’m ready.

Learn from the lessons I shared with you.

Let gratitude fill your days and allow your light to shine.

I’ll be near. In the beauty of nature, you can easily find me as well as in your heart.

Know that all is well – that I am well and you are too.”

I thank her and watch her light radiating far and wide out from her in all directions, blessing everything and every one it touches. “I’ll go home and prepare my goodbye“, she says and steps back in through my heart and home again where her frail physical body is.

I thank my spirit guides and end the journey.

You can find more messages from Minnie in the articles “The long goodbye” and “Honoring a dying pet: Minnie’s teachings 3 months before she died”.

You can also learn more about the Sacred Spirit Journeys I do to connect with the spirit of pets that are dying and that have passed.

[Client testimonial] I was first introduced to Marianne Soucy, through her Pet Celebration groups. At the time my Maine Coon cat Daisy was missing; possibly no longer alive but which thankfully proved not to be the case. The Group gave lots of support to other pet owners far and wide, whose animals had passed away and provided a common bond and help, I am sure, to all.

More recently, I found myself facing the passing of one of my family of animals, an elderly tiny Yorkie named Melissa. A very special, characterful personality. She had reached the great age of 17 but was failing. Living alone, I found the situation very difficult. I knew that Marianne offered a service of support; Healing Pet Loss, with journeys and insight into the spiritual feelings of the sick animal reaching the end of it’s life; or already passed over, and indeed pets that may have died suddenly. I decided to request this service for Melissa and myself and could not have had a more thorough, compassionate and helpful guidance than I did from Marianne. 

Each day I had information and help on my little dog’s feelings, any fears or in Melissa’s case, her acceptance and gratitude of the situation and the happy life we had shared. Her loss was and is, heartbreaking, sad and hard but in all honesty it would have been far worse to have faced it without the help from Marianne.  I would certainly recommend her to anyone suffering the loss or about to lose, a much cherished pet.
~Cynthia Sykes

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