Steps to Grace – Wisdom from a cat in the afterlife

steps to grace - angel cat afterlife 2 Healing Pet Loss
I am sharing this blog in celebration of the launch of the new book I’m a co-author of: ”365 Moments of Grace”. My chapter is called ”The Gift of Grace from an Angel Cat”, and is about my beloved cat Kia whom I lost in 2012.

I connect with Kia (and other animals in the afterlife) through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, which are a form of shamanic journeying. I have developed a special writing technique that enables me to capture the messages of the animals and spirit guides I meet in my journeys. These messages are always full of love, light and wisdom.

For this blog, I decided to reach out to Kia and ask her about further insights on what grace is, and a few suggestions for how we can bring Grace into our own lives. The following is an excerpt from that journey.

As I begin the journey and meet Kia, she says:

Angel cat Kia - Marianne Soucy Healing Pet Loss“You wanted to know about grace.

Grace is being touched by the Divine.

When your heart and mind open and let go of the constraints, and an opening or bridge is created to the One, the Divine, or to Spirit – then for a moment you 1experience your deeper or true nature which is love and peace.

That is what I can teach you from beyond. Our language and communication is one of the heart; and through your heart, I touch your soul with my blessings of love, peace and light from the beyond. By doing so I help you shift out of your daily, limited perspective to a perspective of the Divine – you and all who are open to receiving my blessings of love.

Grace is also the state you find yourself in when you shift to that open state. To most people it is very elusive, but it is all about taking small consistent steps – to keep returning, as often as you remember, to:

  • being fully in the present moment,

  • connecting with and allowing your heart to be open,

  • and approaching each day, yourself and the world with gratitude and appreciation.

Keep those suggestions with you as you go about your day, and remind yourself to take ‘the higher perspective’.

All is well.”

I thank Kia and say good bye. I end the journey.

I hope you find my angel cat Kia’s message inspiring.

Peace and blessings,
Marianne Soucy

grace book coverYou can find my chapter: “The Gift of Grace from an Angel Cat” about reconnecting with my angel cat Kia after her passing, in Jodi Chapman and Dan Teck’s book ‘365 Moments of Grace‘ along with many other beautiful stories from my co-authors.

You can also read messages from my angel cat Kia in my book “Healing Pet Loss – Practical Steps for Coping & Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides“.Healing Pet Loss 3D 250 x 315 hpl book cover

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