Synchronicities – signs from beyond

After the death of our pet, we often look for a sign from the other side that our pet is okay. And after a healing or a prayer we might also be looking for, or happen to stumble upon, those meaningful coincidences, also known as synchronicities.

Carl Jung and the beetle
It was the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung who introduced the term synchronicity. In his book “Synchronicity” from 1952, Jung gives an example of a synchronistic event: A client of his was telling him about a dream of hers, in which she was given a golden scarab. While she was telling him about the dream, he heard a noise by the window. He went over and found it was a beetle.

Synchronicities in connection with healing
Synchronicities are common in connection with healing, and they remind you that what you do affects not only yourself but also the world around you. They show you that there is a connection between and overlapping of what is inside and what is outside. Synchronicities remind you that the universe cares about and supports you.

Watching for signs
It is possible you might experience some kind of sign after the death of your pet, which feels meaningful to you. One little piece of advice, however, is to not try too hard to find synchronicities. Your mindset should be one of relaxed alertness, of calmly being aware and paying attention when you go about your daily life.

Real life case story
I use shamanic journeying to help both animals and humans – living or deceased – and I have experienced many such meaningful coincidences in connection with shamanic journeys. Getting confirmation like that is always an amazing experience.

One of the more spectacular examples happened in connection with a shamanic journey I did to help my cat Freedom (the black cat in the photo) when he was grieving after the death of his best friend Pittiput (the orange cat). After Pittiput’s death, Freedom hardly ate, and spent very little time at home, and began to look ragged. During that journey we were at some point flying in a balloon. Later the same day after the journey, something interesting happened. First I heard an odd sound coming from outside. I went to the kitchen window, and there I saw a big, real hot-air balloon going by slowly, just above the tree tops. I have certainly never experienced that before. And during the next weeks I kept seeing balloons everywhere, in the paper, in the news etc.

Although synchronicities may not always occur, they might also go unrecognized. When a synchronicity occurs, you feel that your prayer has been heard, and it becomes so much easier to have faith and to trust. This state of mind can be a great help in letting healing take place within you and your life.




  1. Thank you. I lost Socrates yesterday very suddenly and unexpectedly. My world is shattered, but you gave me something to look forward too. And I only pray he can give me a sign that he’s ok and still by my side.

  2. Melanie says

    I lost my beloved cat yesterday. It was unexpected, as he had a heart disease that showed up and there was no cure. I am miserable and miss my little Ari so much! He was truly my companion and I am devastated at his loss and feel like I will never move on. The loss of a pet truly can feel like the loss of a family member and I had no idea it would be this painful to lose him. Thank you for this article.

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