A frequently asked question

One of the frequently asked questions I get is:"How can shamanic journeying help me after pet loss?"There is so much good information out there on helping you cope with the grief after the death of a pet. What is so special about shamanic … [Read more...]

Is my pet okay in the afterlife?

If your pet died a violent or sudden death, not only are you in a state of shock after the unexpected loss, but your concerns will also be with your pet: Is he/she still suffering or is he okay in the afterlife? Can he get help, if he's still in … [Read more...]

Do animals go to heaven?

This is a question many people ask when their beloved animal companion dies. In my opinion and from my experience - yes! I'm not in doubt that animals do go to heaven when they die. But why not get the point of view of an animal who has died? Here's … [Read more...]

Coping with guilt after pet loss

If you feel torn apart by guilt after the death of your pet, you're not alone. It's very common to have strong feelings of guilt after the loss of your beloved pet. The overwhelming feelings of guilt often come in cases where you had to euthanize … [Read more...]

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