Peace and healing after pet loss with angel cat Sacha

[Peace and healing after pet loss with angel cat Sacha] In this blog, I will share a Sacred Spirit Journey with angel cat Sacha. I connected with Sacha on behalf of her grieving human companion Cynthia, on July 6, 2024. You can both read … [Read more...]

“I am alive in your heart.” ~ angel cat Kit

["I am alive in your heart." ~ angel cat Kit] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Toby and his angel cat Kit on August 11, 2023. You can both listen to and read Kit's message below. Listen to the Healing Pet Loss … [Read more...]

A message on living in joy from angel cat Pittiput

Connecting with pets in the afterlife can be a wonderful way to heal after the loss of a beloved pet – but not only then, also in your daily life as you move forward on your soul’s path, can the messages of wisdom, guidance and love from our pets in … [Read more...]

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