[Starlight's Last Day] In the previous blog / podcast episode, I shared a message from my cat Starlight from the day before his passing. In today's blog / podcast, I will share a Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Starlight the following day – the day … [Read more...]
Starlight’s Last Day
Author: HPL ()
Filed Under: Articles, Client Journeys, Healing Pet Loss Podcast Tagged With: beach, dolphins, dying pet, eagle, Hope, peace, Starlight
Lucy, dog angel and Divine messenger (her message)
Author: HPL ()

[Lucy, dog angel and Divine messenger (her message)] In this blog, I will share a Sacred Spirit Journey with angel dog Lucy, a white greyhound. I connected with Lucy on behalf of her grieving human companion Lynn, 9 years ago, in 2015. I can … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles, Client Journeys, Healing Pet Loss Podcast, Pet afterlife message, Sacred Spirit Journey Tagged With: 'My Girl' by the Temptations, beach, Divine, gratitude, light, Lucy, spirit guide
“I am alive in your heart.” ~ angel cat Kit
Author: HPL ()

["I am alive in your heart." ~ angel cat Kit] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Toby and his angel cat Kit on August 11, 2023. You can both listen to and read Kit's message below. Listen to the Healing Pet Loss … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles, Client Journeys, Gratitude, Healing Pet Loss Journey, Healing Pet Loss Podcast, Healing Pet Loss videos, Journeys for clients, Pet afterlife message, testimonial Tagged With: angel cat, animal wisdom, beach, forest, frog, hawthorn tree, heart as portal, heartspace, horse, meadow, shamanic journeying, transformation, white butterfly, white flowers, wild flowers