A Meeting With An Animal Companion In The Light – And A Message

This article contains a special journey to and a message from an animal that was part of my husband's and my life for only a short time, but who touched our hearts deeply. On our journey through life the animals we meet can be close companions as … [Read more...]

Healing Pet Loss – 10 tips for coping with the loss of a pet (book)

"Healing Pet Loss - 10 tips for coping with the loss of a pet"(OUT OF PRINT) see trailer below httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdFQ5bCZ5mY You can purchase “Healing Pet Loss: Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and … [Read more...]

Jonathan Livingston Seagull revisited

The other day I was looking for something inspiring to read for a train ride and Richard Bach's book "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" suddenly caught my attention. I hadn't read that book in years, and I felt it was time for a re-read. Jonathan … [Read more...]

Journaling to help you heal after pet loss

After the death of a beloved pet, one of the tools you can use to cope with grief and move through the grieving process is journaling. Here are a few tips on how to get started with Stream of consciousness writing. Write in longhand; pen on paper - … [Read more...]

You never know who will show up!

Power animals and other helping spirits can be of great help to you and your pet, both while your pet is alive and after your pet has died (see "Power animals - a little known source of healing after pet loss"). You may have an idea of what kind of … [Read more...]

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