The first New Year after pet loss

  If you are struggling with grief after pet loss as New Year is approaching, this article will provide you with some insights and suggestions for entering the new year with more peace of mind and while honoring your beloved pet as well as … [Read more...]

Coping with the sudden loss of a pet

When a beloved pet dies, the grief and the pain of the loss of our trusted friend and companion can be difficult to handle. And if an animal companion dies suddenly, the pain can be extra intense and almost unbearable, because we were unprepared and … [Read more...]

Grieving The Loss Of A Pet During The Holidays: Suggestions For Coping

  Christmas is traditionally a time for celebrating, but if you have recently lost a beloved animal companion, then you might find it hard to feel joyful and take part in celebrations. It is especially when the holiday preparations finally give … [Read more...]

Three easy steps to make your own pet memorial ceremony

After the death of a beloved pet, we are left with the emptiness and grief after the loss, and the yearning and longing to be with our pet again is strong. Our pets are not just "pets"; to many of us they are companions, friends, and part of the … [Read more...]

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