After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their … [Read more...]
Divine blessings for our cat Little Dab 4 days before her passing
Blessings from Artemis the angel cat

After the loss of a beloved pet, one of the things that can bring real healing and comfort is connecting with the pet in the afterlife I have experienced that myself numerous times in connection with the passing of my own animal friends I have also … [Read more...]
Spiritual support for a dying pet: A Sacred Spirit Journey with Minnie the cat’s message

When a beloved pet is dying, caring for the pet’s physical needs is a priority. But caring for the pet’s emotional and spiritual needs – as well as our own – can also make a huge difference in how the last period of a pet’s life and their passing … [Read more...]
A message from Angus the angel dog and two ways to connect with a pet in the afterlife

After the passing of a beloved pet, one of our greatest wishes is to reconnect with our pet that has passed – to experience the bond and closeness again, to know that our pet is okay in the afterlife, and perhaps to ask for our pet’s forgiveness for … [Read more...]
Honoring a dying pet: Minnie’s teachings 3 months before she passed

When a beloved animal companion dies, it sometimes happens suddenly and unexpectedly, but occasionally we are fortunate to get the opportunity to support and care for our animal friend as they pass in their own time in a way that is peaceful. But … [Read more...]
Minnie’s last day – A beloved cat’s journey into the light

Her last day was a beautiful day. On December 6th, 2016, the sunrise was spectacular - clear sky with a few clouds that turned pink as the sun was rising. After many months of declining health, her last day had come. She had been so strong and … [Read more...]
Healing Pet Loss – Celebrating Your Pet’s Life

When a beloved pet dies, we can easily get stuck in the pain of the loss. But there is something that we tend to forget in the midst of our pain, and that is to celebrate the life of our pet and to feel and express our gratitude for all that our pet … [Read more...]
The Healing Power of Gratitude After Pet Loss

When you are grieving the loss of your beloved pet, the simple practice of gratitude can help you cope with and heal after your loss. I have personally found gratitude to be a very efficient and powerful practice, but somehow many of us tend to … [Read more...]
Losing a pet – When your heart is hurting too much

"And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up!" ~ Charles Dickens When you have lost a beloved pet, … [Read more...]