Divine blessings for our cat Little Dab 4 days before her passing

After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their … [Read more...]

Spiritual support for a dying pet: A Sacred Spirit Journey with Minnie the cat’s message

When a beloved pet is dying, caring for the pet’s physical needs is a priority. But caring for the pet’s emotional and spiritual needs – as well as our own – can also make a huge difference in how the last period of a pet’s life and their passing … [Read more...]

Honoring a dying pet: Minnie’s teachings 3 months before she passed

When a beloved animal companion dies, it sometimes happens suddenly and unexpectedly, but occasionally we are fortunate to get the opportunity to support and care for our animal friend as they pass in their own time in a way that is peaceful. But … [Read more...]

The long goodbye

Saying goodbye to a beloved petHaving to say goodbye to a beloved pet is one of the most difficult things we have to do as caretakers and companions of animals that we love and share our lives with. There are different kinds of goodbyes when we … [Read more...]

Using Sacred Spirit Journeys to cope with a dying pet

When you are in the situation where your beloved animal companion is dying, it can be hard to handle both on an emotional and practical level. It is heartbreaking to watch a beloved animal companion’s health fail and realize that soon they won’t be … [Read more...]

Saying goodbye to a pet – is it really necessary? (Q&A)

Question from a reader: "... I have never said good-bye to any of my pets. Just " till we meet again " They all have a memorial in some way or another. And a flameless candle goes off every night. For my love for them still burns brightly. I feel all … [Read more...]

Seeing beyond the illness – a spirit meeting with an ill pet’s radiant self

When our beloved pet's health is failing and it may soon be time for them to pass on, it is heartbreaking to watch our before so energetic and joyful animal friend lose their energy and ability to do what they used to be able to do. You may have … [Read more...]

Pet Loss: Letting go is not what you think

The question of how to, when to, or even if we should - let go - will naturally come up in connection with a missing pet, a dying pet, and after the death of a pet. The following is a message from my angel cat Kia, as I was talking to her about my … [Read more...]

A cat’s view on death & tips for living after pet loss

Did you ever wish you could hear directly from your deceased pet about how they experienced their moment of death and after? In this article I share a message I received from my beloved cat Kia a few days after she had died. In this message she … [Read more...]

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