Communicating with a beloved pet is very rewarding, and brings not just healing, peace and a deeper connection with the animal, but it also gives you a chance to hear directly from your companion, how they are doing and how you can best help them. … [Read more...]
Animal Communication: A conversation with my cat Kia a week before she died
Preparing for the death of a pet: A cat announces her imminent death

Sometimes it’s not the vets but the pets themselves who announce that they will soon be crossing over. They are gently trying to prepare you for that heartbreaking moment when they will no longer be here with you in their physical form. You might … [Read more...]
A peaceful death for your pet without guilt and regret

In this post you are going to learn 3 steps you can take when your pet is dying to ensure that Your pet suffers as little as possible, and that You don’t make decisions about your pet's end of life that you will regret after your pet has died. When … [Read more...]
Pet Euthanasia: How to prepare

The natural lifespan of the vast majority of our pets is short compared to the lifespan of humans. So it is very likely that you will outlive your pet, and sooner or later you are likely to experience losing your beloved animal companion. Some pets … [Read more...]
When your beloved pet is dying

Pittiput's last day. Being in the situation where you know your pet is dying is very difficult and challenging. You are probably experiencing a wide range of emotions such as: despair, fear of losing the pet you love … [Read more...]