“I am alive in your heart.” ~ angel cat Kit

["I am alive in your heart." ~ angel cat Kit] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Toby and his angel cat Kit on August 11, 2023. You can both listen to and read Kit's message below. Listen to the Healing Pet Loss … [Read more...]

Release the pain of Pet Loss Guilt with Zizou the angel dog

[Release the pain of Pet Loss Guilt with Zizou the angel dog] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Cynthia and her angel dog Zizou on December 9, 2022. You can both listen to and read Zizou's message below. Listen to the Healing Pet … [Read more...]

Healing With Horse

Animals are wonderful teachers. As you might have seen here on my website and in my book "Healing Pet Loss - Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides" our animal companions have much to teach us both when they … [Read more...]

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