Honoring a dying pet: Minnie’s teachings 3 months before she passed

When a beloved animal companion dies, it sometimes happens suddenly and unexpectedly, but occasionally we are fortunate to get the opportunity to support and care for our animal friend as they pass in their own time in a way that is peaceful. But … [Read more...]

Animals As Teachers – A Message Of Light From An Angel Cat

In a recent healing journey on of my angel cats, my orange cat Pittiput, showed up. The journey and his message was so moving that I have decided to share an excerpt of that journey here, so you may also benefit from his healing wisdom. As I connect … [Read more...]

Pet Loss: Letting go is not what you think

The question of how to, when to, or even if we should - let go - will naturally come up in connection with a missing pet, a dying pet, and after the death of a pet. The following is a message from my angel cat Kia, as I was talking to her about my … [Read more...]

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