Pets and afterlife: Death is not the end

I often turn to my spirit guides in Sacred Spirit Journeys for wisdom and insights - on behalf of myself as well as for clients. Many of the articles on this website contain messages from animals in the afterlife, but in this message from my spirit … [Read more...]

Another way of dealing with guilt after pet loss

Communicating With Guilt As you may have read in my book "Healing Pet Loss - Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides", communicating with your pet in the afterlife can bring much peace and comfort. However, … [Read more...]

Divine teachings from a beloved cat in the afterlife

Animals can be very wise. Those of us who share our lives with animals experience this often. Just think of the unconditional love and loyalty they show us, as well as their ability to be fully present in the Now, and the joy and light they … [Read more...]

Britney – an angel dog’s message of joy and light

When you have lost a beloved animal companion, creating a sacred spirit connection with the animal that has passed can bring much peace of mind and healing for the heart. I have made many sacred spirit connections with animals in the afterlife, and I … [Read more...]

Finding joy in the midst of grief after pet loss

In times of deep sorrow and grief, such as when you have lost your beloved animal companion, happiness and joy may be the furthest from your mind. You may find that all you can see is the emptiness left behind after your beloved animal friend is … [Read more...]

Insights on Forgiveness from an angel cat

From my own experience with losing a beloved animal companion, I have found that connecting with the animal in the afterlife can bring a degree of comfort and peace that can otherwise be impossible to obtain when you are grieving deeply the loss of … [Read more...]

A Message of Peace for the Holidays

Just as connecting with and receiving messages from animals and spirit guides can bring much comfort in coping with the loss of a beloved pet, these messages can also guide us in our daily life. Since the end of the year and the holidays are now … [Read more...]

A Gift of Gratitude

  Today I offer you a gift of Gratitude - a beautiful message I received from my spirit guide during a shamanic journey, as I asked for some new insights on gratitude. I will now share an excerpt of this magical journey: I take a deep breath and … [Read more...]

Bear speaks on interconnectedness and walking in light

Animals are wonderful teachers – not only does your own animal companion bring you many gifts and lessons, but all animals have their own wisdom that can bring healing, inspiration and empowerment into your life. Today, Bear’s message centers … [Read more...]

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