A Meeting With An Animal Companion In The Light – And A Message

This article contains a special journey to and a message from an animal that was part of my husband's and my life for only a short time, but who touched our hearts deeply. On our journey through life the animals we meet can be close companions as … [Read more...]

When your pet just died – gentle advice from an angel cat

The loss of a beloved pet is a heartbreaking experience that can be difficult to cope with, because you lose the one who loved you unconditionally and who was always there for you. Your pet was a companion with whom you shared much love and many fond … [Read more...]

Kia’s insights on letting go of guilt after pet loss

After losing a beloved pet, guilt is one of the emotions that can be particularly difficult to deal with. It often comes in waves, and even when you feel you have let go and forgiven yourself for the death of your pet, then suddenly something happens … [Read more...]

Animals as teachers: Lessons of gratitude from a beloved pet

As a caring pet owner, you will have experienced the close bond that is formed between you and your animal companion. You will have experienced your pet's lessons of unconditional love non-judgment living in the present moment But your pet's … [Read more...]

A cat’s view on death & tips for living after pet loss

Did you ever wish you could hear directly from your deceased pet about how they experienced their moment of death and after? In this article I share a message I received from my beloved cat Kia a few days after she had died. In this message she … [Read more...]

Coping with a missing pet – part 2

This article is part 2 in the article series "Coping with a missing pet". You can also read part 1, part 3 and part 4 Connecting with a missing pet When a beloved pet is missing, besides desperately wanting our companion back, we have an even … [Read more...]

Coping with a missing pet: Helpful advice from an angel cat

This article is part 1 in the article series "Coping with a missing pet". You can also read  part 2, part 3, and part 4. When a beloved pet goes missing, the uncertainty and the fear of what may have happened can be devastating. Not only can your … [Read more...]

Pet Loss: Saying Goodbye To Your Pet

Losing a beloved animal companion is heartbreaking, and it is normal to feel a reluctance to say goodbye. The last thing we want to do is to let go of our trusted friend. But as hard as it is, saying goodbye can actually help you cope with and heal … [Read more...]

Animal Communication: A conversation with my cat Kia a week before she died

Communicating with a beloved pet is very rewarding, and brings not just healing, peace and a deeper connection with the animal, but it also gives you a chance to hear directly from your companion, how they are doing and how you can best help them. … [Read more...]

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