Quotes on the loss of a loved one

  "Master, what is the best way to meet the loss of one we love?"  "By knowing that when we truly love, it is never lost. It is only after death that the depth of the bond is truly felt and our loved one becomes more a part of us than was … [Read more...]

Using Pinterest to cope with the death of a pet

Click to see larger image When we are grieving the loss of a pet, there are many ways in which we can express our feelings as well as share our stories and our love for the pet we have lost. Some of the known ways are writing, drawing or … [Read more...]

What if it was you?

How do you make the shift from grief to love and inner peace after the death of your beloved pet? If you have not already read my previous article, "It's not about the grief, it's about the love", go read it first, and then come back here to continue … [Read more...]

It’s not about the grief, it’s about the love

"What do you mean by that?", you are probably thinking. After pet loss, of course there is grief. Heartbreaking, painful feelings of grief. And yes, I do agree with the importance of acknowledging the grief. I know grief - I have experienced grief … [Read more...]

How to avoid prolonged grief after pet loss

If you are grieving the death of a beloved pet, you are likely to be facing one or more of the following challenges: The people around you don't understand or acknowledge your grief. You're looking for compassion and answers, and all you get is … [Read more...]

Love never dies

When our pet dies, it feels like our heart is breaking in a thousand pieces, and saying goodbye can be almost too painful. But one thing is worth reminding ourselves of, and that is that while our pet's physical body is gone, the love we shared does … [Read more...]

Grieving after pet loss

Grieving is a process that we all go through when we lose someone we love. But how we experience grief, and how we handle it, is very individual. Symptoms of grief after pet loss Grieving doesn’t happen according to a schedule, but often comes in … [Read more...]

Do animals go to heaven?

This is a question many people ask when their beloved animal companion dies. In my opinion and from my experience - yes! I'm not in doubt that animals do go to heaven when they die. But why not get the point of view of an animal who has died? Here's … [Read more...]

Starting a new year and a new life after pet loss

As we enter a new year, you might also be entering a new life after the death of your beloved pet. The emptiness after the loss At first, the idea of a life without your pet seems impossible, as you are overwhelmed by the grief after the loss. And … [Read more...]

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