When our beloved pet's health is failing and it may soon be time for them to pass on, it is heartbreaking to watch our before so energetic and joyful animal friend lose their energy and ability to do what they used to be able to do. You may have … [Read more...]
Seeing beyond the illness – a spirit meeting with an ill pet’s radiant self
An angel animal shares insights on her true nature and on reincarnation

Connecting with a beloved animal companion after they have passed can bring much peace and comfort. If you have seen some of the articles on my website or read my book "Healing Pet Loss - Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from … [Read more...]
Animals As Teachers – A Message Of Light From An Angel Cat

In a recent healing journey on of my angel cats, my orange cat Pittiput, showed up. The journey and his message was so moving that I have decided to share an excerpt of that journey here, so you may also benefit from his healing wisdom. As I connect … [Read more...]
Healing Pet Loss Question and Answer Series no 1

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNN-5jAcWN8 Marianne Soucy answers a question from a woman who is struggling to cope after having her beloved dog euthanized. Transcript of video: Welcome to the Healing Pet Loss Question & Answer Series. My … [Read more...]
Peace After Pet Loss – A meeting in a meadow and a blessing from beyond

When you lose a beloved animal companion, you are likely to experience a huge emptiness in your life along with a strong yearning to connect with your pet once more. Perhaps you never had a chance to say goodbye, or you feel an overwhelming guilt and … [Read more...]
Widening the circle of compassion as a way to honor an angel animal

"A human being is part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is … [Read more...]
Being Present With The Dying

[Editor's note: This is a guest article written by Uma Girish, author of "Understanding Death: 10 Ways to Inner Peace for the Grieving." Uma has written about a very difficult topic with much peace and grace, and I am honored to be sharing her … [Read more...]
Letting Nature Help You Heal After Pet Loss

On day 4 of her Virtual Book Tour celebrating the launch of "Healing Pet Loss: Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides", Marianne travels to Liesel Teversham's blog, Savvy Self Growth. Click the link below to … [Read more...]
Remembering the Joy: Spirit Advice for Coping With Pet Loss

Losing an animal companion is a heartbreaking experience that can be very difficult to deal with when the animal has been your best friend, a member of the family, or your soul mate. There are many strategies for coping the grief after the loss of a … [Read more...]