When we have lost a beloved pet, the grief of the loss makes it almost impossible for us to see anything else. All the good times we spent with our pet as well as the other blessings we have in our lives, seem to fade into the background, while the … [Read more...]
Healing advice from Pittiput – a beloved cat in the afterlife
Author: HPL ()

As I was out in the garden one morning with one of my cats, Kia when she was still alive, I noticed that the sun was just hitting a garden chair where Pittiput used to sit sometimes. Pittiput is my orange cat who died June 17th 2010, and he … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Afterlife, Animals as teachers, Articles, Healing words and advice from Pittiput Tagged With: articles, grief, light, love, pet loss, Pittiput, shamanic journeying, spirit, spirituality