A meeting with a beloved pet in the afterlife

In this article I am going to share something very special with you. It is a meeting I had with my own deceased cat, Pittiput, in the afterlife during a shamanic journey about two months after he died. A little background My husband and I liked to go … [Read more...]

Golden Shore – music for healing pet loss

The amazing song I am going to share with you, I first heard just a few days before my beautiful cat Pittiput died. It felt like Pittiput was singing his personal message directly into my heart. Whenever I hear this song, I feel connected with him. … [Read more...]

Synchronicities – signs from beyond

After the death of our pet, we often look for a sign from the other side that our pet is okay. And after a healing or a prayer we might also be looking for, or happen to stumble upon, those meaningful coincidences, also known as … [Read more...]

When your beloved pet is dying

Pittiput's last day.     Being in the situation where you know your pet is dying is very difficult and challenging. You are probably experiencing a wide range of emotions such as: despair, fear of losing the pet you love … [Read more...]

Do animals go to heaven?

This is a question many people ask when their beloved animal companion dies. In my opinion and from my experience - yes! I'm not in doubt that animals do go to heaven when they die. But why not get the point of view of an animal who has died? Here's … [Read more...]

Healing advice from Pittiput – a beloved cat in the afterlife

As I was out in the garden one morning with one of my cats, Kia when she was still alive, I noticed that the sun was just hitting a garden chair where Pittiput used to sit sometimes. Pittiput is my orange cat who died June 17th 2010, and he … [Read more...]

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